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Status Replies posted by Capricious

  1. isn't feeling well at all right now. :\
    1. Capricious


      Nah, I was just exhausted from work. What would I feel guilty about?
    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. - Man.. I can't win! Ugh. It's just one thing after the other.. life is raping me anally, i'd say.
  3. - Everyone I know goes away in the end. I'll be praying for you..
    1. Capricious


      No. It's fine, and i'm sorry for snapping at you. It really hurt.
    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. - Everyone I know goes away in the end. I'll be praying for you..
    1. Capricious


      That's not even right. Three close family members are dying on me and you say that? I know i've been a total b*tch in the past an have lied about so much, but that's crossing a MAJOR line there. There's a difference between joking, and just being a malicious piece of sh*t. Goodbye, again.
    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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