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Posts posted by Capricious

  1. Mhm, he's completely right lol. It's normal to lose that spark. It's what happened in my last relationship, actually. You just gotta weed out the ones who aren't compatible to you. Or, you could just work on talking or doing more things together. Break out of the normal routine, you know?
  2. Yeah.. That's usually how it is. Unfortunately, most of the kindest, caring men that you will meet aren't really in the "good looking" department. As I say: Love isn't about finding a flawless person, but you TRULY love someone by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.


    It's up to you. If you truly love someone, you'll be able to look past their physical flaws. Wolfie is right as well. If you are non-existent to the guy you like, he definitely isn't the one for you. Try being more confident, because confidence is sexy. If it still doesn't work, then he's the one missing out and you shouldn't worry about it.


    I mean, i'm practically married to this:


    But, I can get past his physical flaws because he has a perfect personality to me, and I love him with all my being. :) It'll all come into place soon.

  3. I know that death is a natural occurrence, but why must people die so early in life? This year has been horrible. So far, my uncle and two of my friends have passed. The thing is, I can't cry and let it all out.. I feel completely emotionless most of the time. It's a hopeless feeling, like nothing good will happen, and i'm sick of it. I'm tired of death, tired of life. Screw it all..
  4. I'm really sorry dear, it's hard losing an animal that you've had for so long. The dog that I was talking about was talking about was in the family for 13 years, and it was hard to let go of her. You learn to get over it though. That's one of the reasons why I'm not wanting to get any pets after i'm out of here.. because it hurts to much when they die, just like a friend or family member. She's in a better place now, with all the other kitties. -hugs-
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