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My luck in relationships


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I usually don't like the guys that do want to date me, and I usually like the guys who don't want to date me. I guess that's just the way it goes.


Recently I found someone who really sparked me; he has a lot of qualities that I really like in a guy. Everything was great, but then he decides that it's okay to go do something with his ex-girlfriend at three in the morning! I wish I could have just believed him when he said nothing happened, but I can't help but think otherwise. That's when things started going downhill and he ended up breaking up with me. Figures.


Why can't I find a trusting, honest, and committed relationship? Sure, I know a few guys who like me, but I'm probably not attracted or they live too far away. Honestly, I'm getting a little bit sick of being single. All I want is someone to love me for me, not because of my looks or any other stupid reason. Why is that so hard?

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