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Status Updates posted by N*Raged

  1. Hero to bad guy, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what your country can do TO you for your crimes." #newactionmoviequotes
  2. Stupid FB, didn't let me know that no one could see that it was my birthday so I was left thinking no one cared. :(
  3. "Oh my god. Dad, I'm a virgin." lol
  4. Merry Hanukkah to the Jewish community, I hope your eight days are fruitful ones. Remember though, it's perfectly acceptable to regift money, steak and girls to me. ;)
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Myranda
    3. Wolfie


      I'm not a n00b and you know it. :P
    4. Myranda


      You are a n00b and you know it ;P


  6. You know that commercial for "Your baby can read", where the dad shows cards that say "Ice Cream" and "Candy" and the girl reads them? I swear, it sounds like she says "Daddy" instead of "Candy". epic fail! LOL
  7. What's on my mind? Getting people to join up on my site. :)
    1. RED-ROJA


      Just did!! I'm the newest newbie!! =^^=
  8. Small update to the board, including a few minor feature enhancements.
  9. Watching ABC family (Secret Life and Huge)
  10. There are more games in the arcade! --- http://tinyurl.com/nraged-arcade
  11. If you tailgate and flipoff people while driving a mashed up car with handicap license plates, you need to rethink a few things.
  12. ON TOP OF SPAGHETTI, ALL COVERED WITH CHEESE.... http://tinyurl.com/nraged-1240
  13. How ugly is a woman that walks into a store, topless, only to be approached by a stranger who says, "Excuse me sir, you might consider breast reduction so people don't mistake you for a woman."
  14. Added more games to the arcade (3 instead of 2 since it's my birthday)!!
    1. Myranda



      Tell me how old you are FOOL! D:<

  15. Watching ABC Family. Huge is on now.
  16. Watching ABC Family. Secret Life is on now.
  17. Two more games added to the arcade and planning to add more tomorrow!
  18. I don't know why but that little rhyme of "I see london, I see france" came into my head.. What if it's being sung about Paris Hilton? "I see London, I see France, I see Paris's underpants".. Isn't Paris a part of France? LOL
  19. Added two more games to the arcade. Wack a Bunny and Deal or No Deal. Enjoy!
  20. Security reminder for everyone.. Anytime that you are asked for a password, ALWAYS look at the URL of the site to make sure it's the real site and not an attempt to steal your password!
  21. butthole Day is upon us! If you've had a day where everyone's an butthole to you, then it's butthole Day! Be sure to gripe about it at N*Raged!
  22. LISTEN

    UP!... I will NOT be completely honest for 24 hours, you can ask me any

    question, (ONLY IN MY INBOX) , any question, no matter how random,

    amazing, or weird it is, I will NOT answer no matter what. You may (or may not) have

    my FULL honesty, but I DARE YOU to put this as your status and see

    what questions you get asked.

  23. Splurged!! The chat can now handle up to 20 people at a time. Open a tab and sit in the chat!!!
  24. Had a bad day? Don't get mad, get #enraged at n-raged.com!
  25. Arcade has been updated. LOTS AND LOTS OF GAMES TO PLAY!!!
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