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Everything posted by Grue

  1. One good thing that I have to say about being in college is that I didn't bring a TV. I hate watching two commercials back-to-back, like Lady Knight Owl said. Come on, do you really want to listen to "HEAD ON HEAD ON HEAD ON" fifty times in a row? Even the funny commercials get to be not-so-funny after they beat you over the head with themselves as often as possible.
  2. Actually, if I say anything, they won't know it's me. Since I'm a freshman, I have a "class" called freshman seminar. I can tell that teacher about anything that goes on and he will submit it anonymously. He did the same thing when people reported that every breakfast was fifteen minutes late. I almost laughed at that "Make sure you don't have to use the cafeteria again" comment. My car is four and a half hours away at the quickest and the closest place to get food-like-substances is the gas station a mile away. I would walk farther, but this isn't exactly the best neighborhood, if you get my meaning.
  3. If you haven't been living in a cave for the past twenty years, you've probably heard of a series that has been anything but final, Final Fantasy. Anyways, while arbitrarily clicking through a series of related links on Youtube, I found this. It is a series of cinematic sequences from Final Fantasy VIII along with the song "I Will Be Right Here Waiting For You." Watch. You will not be disappointed. This makes me want to get the PS version. I've got the one for PC and the cutscenes are crap compared to this. URL: http://www.youtube.com/v/2OeQZ9F4jYM I'm guessing this is the right section. Correct?
  4. I hate the meals at this place. During the week, it's not too bad. On the weekends, they pull out all stops. Every meal is 15 minutes late. They serve us slop. The doors close half an hour earlier. Guess what three out of my four meals consisted of this weekend? Ramen. I'm not waiting for that slop. I also might add the REASON that they think it's alright that they open late. The cooks are eating at that time. Why the hell would they leave the doors closed "because the cooks are eating?" The cooks eat out in the cafeteria with the rest of us. It's not like everyone will rush in and nab all the slop before the cooks can get their fourth helping.
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