I know this is an old thread, but it's on the first page so I don't consider it to be thread necromancy. Having said that, here goes. While you may have been miffed by the fact that the driver in front of you was going 5 under the speed limit, do you think that your actions made the situation any better? So what if you are upset at the other driver for going slower. Cutting him off, then intentionally going slow in front of him doesn't make you any better of a driver than he/she was. Quite simply, at the speeds you mentioned (40 in a 45 zone), it will take you LESS THAN eight seconds more of time to travel the same distance at 40 miles per hour, as it would take you to do in 1 minute at 45 miles per hour. LESS than eight seconds. Was that really worth putting multiple lives at risk by doing the things you did? I drive professionally for a living, and yes my vehicle is slower than most on the roads. But there are some slower than I am, and I do have to use the left lane to pass them. People such as yourself who may get mad because I'm doing 3 miles per hour under the limit and decide to intentionally travel slowly in front of me, put a great number of lives at risk, delays in great multitudes of people's schedules, and quite possibly put my job in jeopardy. So, next time, before you think you're going to try to teach me, or some other person out there driving, what it is like to be stuck behind someone doing less than the speed limit, consider the ramifications of YOUR actions if said student of your decides to collide with you. BTW, the definition of speed limit is as follows: A road speed limit is the maximum speed allowed by law for road vehicles. There's nothing mentioned in there about a minimum speed, though I do admit some roads have them such as interstate highways.