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New house rant

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Since I'm in a ranting mood - it has been requested that I do it here today instead of obsessing all day long in chat... hehe


We moved here about 2 months ago. My husband comes ahead of me to pick out a house while I visit my family with the pets and kid. Our last house was too small, but the yard was great. Keep in mind this is military housing and not a lot of options. This time, he asked me for a detailed list of what I want and he got everything on it. Now for the rant...


It's a brand new house. I keep a running list of things wrong with it and call out maintenance every couple of weeks. Some things are repeat offenders and that really bugs me. How hard is it to install the faucets in the showers? I've learned to fix them myself when they punch out a little. I'm still waiting for them to recaulk the whole house. They have to do all of the new houses so we're on the list. Not only did they not wait for the foundation to settle before sealing it, a few baby earthquakes are not helping much I'm sure.


Next, I'm a clean freak. Have been all my life. This house is twice the size of our old house. Absolutely love the space here! Ten times harder to keep clean. The yard is 'sodded' as they say. It's a mud pit with straw on top. I have a pan in the back yard and wash the dog's feet everytime she comes in. Should fix it? Nope, I'm not the only one who takes her out and I'm not the only one who comes in the house. The floors are always a mess.


I've started planning the flower beds but they're a long way off yet. We're on a hill so no standing water like the other houses around us. That's a good thing. We have a Charlie Brown tree out front and yes, I do plan on using it for Christmas decorations. I am an impatient person by nature and I just want a LITTLE bit of green outside! I have started seedlings and bought a bunch of houseplants but still not quite the same.


And the last thing - I think... is gnats! Terminix came out and can't find a source for them - or a way to get rid of them! They left sticky paper to attract them and I use it like a flyswatter. Most annoying things ever!


I'm done now...

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We have a Charlie Brown tree out front and yes, I do plan on using it for Christmas decorations.

I actually laughed when you said that. I knew exactly what you were talking about and laughed when I saw "yes, I do plan on using it..."



And the last thing - I think... is gnats! Terminix came out and can't find a source for them - or a way to get rid of them! They left sticky paper to attract them and I use it like a flyswatter. Most annoying things ever!

Sure they're gnats and not fruit flies? Those little pests have been plaguing a lot of people lately.

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