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N*Raged is now on FaceBook and Twitter!


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For those who didn't already know, N*Raged is now on FaceBook and Twitter.



http://facebook.com/pages/NRaged/ (NRaged page)

http://facebook.com/NRaged/ (Owner account)




If you have a FaceBook or Twitter account, you can link it with your account here at N*Raged! All you have to do is go to your settings, click on the profile tab and then manage your FaceBook (or Twitter) connection.


To make it easier, you can just click here: Manage FaceBook Connect or Manage Twitter Connect


The benefits of connecting your accounts together include being able to sign in to this site when you're already signed into FaceBook or Twitter, ability to update your status from here, use your FB/Twitter personalization here, "Like" topics and a few other goodies.



For people who are NOT already members of N*Raged, you can click on the little 'f' at the top right of this page (it's the FaceBook icon) and it will help you to join this community with a couple of clicks. Once you're signed in, you'll be considered a full member of this site without any probationary period.


If you don't have a FaceBook account but have a Twitter account, then you can sign in using your Twitter account, just use the Twitter icon at the top right of this page.



So be sure to connect your accounts today to enjoy the added benefits and while at it, invite your friends to join too! :(

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