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R.I.P my Kitty cat

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Kiki was a amazing cat through out my life. We got her when i was a wee child, about 1 year old. I kept trying to say Kitty but it came out as Kiki. And she was known as that for the rest of her life. When she got older she got a companion named jessie who stayed with her alone her life. Then Precious came, then Ruby, another cat, came. Ruby was like a little sister to Kiki. Ruby always teased kiki, but she knew kiki was the boss. When Ruby left our lives to live with someone else, kiki was a little upset, but she still has the 2 dogs. Kiki was a black cat with brown streaks around her back. She always came up to my room and sat right next to my head everytime i fell asleep. About a year ago she started having cancer, but we didnt know it until today. She was conteley eating and pissing until we realized she needed to be checked on. So as of today, Kiki will rest in peace in our family and we will never forget her. ever <3
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I'm really sorry dear, it's hard losing an animal that you've had for so long. The dog that I was talking about was talking about was in the family for 13 years, and it was hard to let go of her. You learn to get over it though. That's one of the reasons why I'm not wanting to get any pets after i'm out of here.. because it hurts to much when they die, just like a friend or family member. She's in a better place now, with all the other kitties. -hugs-
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I'm really sorry dear, it's hard losing an animal that you've had for so long. The dog that I was talking about was talking about was in the family for 13 years, and it was hard to let go of her. You learn to get over it though. That's one of the reasons why I'm not wanting to get any pets after i'm out of here.. because it hurts to much when they die, just like a friend or family member. She's in a better place now, with all the other kitties. -hugs-

Thanks Kelly^^ Wolfie said it would help me a bit if i posted it about it and i got a lot of stuff off my shoulders. And im sorry bout your dog =\ I cant imagine what its going to be like when i loose my dog :P Thanks anyways :(

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