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"Leave me alone!" "Why?" "Just go away!" "WTF what did I do?" "STOP!"


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What's up with people? If I say or do something to piss someone off and they want me to leave them alone, then that's cool, so long as it's something I really did (or said). If it's a rumor or some other BS or if there's no reason then WTF?!? Come on, it's one thing if there's some decent reason but if you're not telling me or if you're refusing to believe the truth over BS or something, then how can you expect me to just be like, "Durrrr, okay, since I'm a mindless oaf that's apparently not good enough to get treated like a human being"?


I mean for real. If you tell me to leave you alone and I ask why and you spend five minutes responding with a simple "leave me alone".. Um, in those five minutes, you could have told me the reason. If I said something to offend you or whatever then just tell me. If it's something that isn't even my fault but you still want me to leave you alone, okay that's cool, just level with me. But don't be an ass/witch about it. Geez.

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  • 5 months later...
The whole point is that it's nice to be told a reason rather than a just being repeatedly told to 'go away' or whatever. My whole view point is that for the most part, if someone wants me to leave them alone, then okay fine. But being provided with a reason (if I ask) and in a respectful manner are not too much to ask for. If someone thinks I'm creepy and they say "Hey I can't quite put my finger on it but something about you creeps me out so I'd like you to leave me alone." then hey, it's hard to not respect that request. But when talking to someone and then nothing and then trying to talk to them, I get "Leave me alone!" with no reason for it and they won't tell me anything other than to leave them alone, or if they contact me like, "OMG you're a f***ing creep, leave me the h**l alone!" then you can bet I'm gonna put on my Karma outfit and bite them in the ass something fierce.
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The whole point is that it's nice to be told a reason rather than a just being repeatedly told to 'go away' or whatever. My whole view point is that for the most part, if someone wants me to leave them alone, then okay fine. But being provided with a reason (if I ask) and in a respectful manner are not too much to ask for. If someone thinks I'm creepy and they say "Hey I can't quite put my finger on it but something about you creeps me out so I'd like you to leave me alone." then hey, it's hard to not respect that request. But when talking to someone and then nothing and then trying to talk to them, I get "Leave me alone!" with no reason for it and they won't tell me anything other than to leave them alone, or if they contact me like, "OMG you're a f***ing creep, leave me the h**l alone!" then you can bet I'm gonna put on my Karma outfit and bite them in the ass something fierce.

Eh true

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