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Spoiled Child (2/6)
Kat started following Oprah; Gigantic dog -vs- puny dog , Rub mah belly and Mouse Olympics
Wolfie addressed most of the issues there. But one thing - there is no picture perfect family. We all have our secrets. Some are just more visible than others. I would suggest at least a school counselor if that's all you have access to. This also keeps your parents out of the loop for the most part. Just stay close to your friends, teachers, priest, whoever gives you a sense of peace.
Luckily the Terminix guy did see one so I didn't appear quite so insane. Hubby has other opinions on the matter but he's not home all day dealing with the nasty little things!
This theory can also backfire. My father is in surgery today so we were talking about a past incident which still amuses everybody. I was in the ER for dehydration and pregnant at the time. They give this idiot nurse the job of finding a vein. I swear I was her first patient! After trying the arm, she's at the back of my hand just having a ball jabbing that needle all over the place. I was trying to be courteous and give her the benefit of the doubt that she knew where a vein should be. I was cussing under my breath, "son of a," and she hit a nerve. You know what she heard! All over the nurses station in no time that I was cussing out the nurse. They're so touchy! Luckily, it was shift change soon and the next nurse looked at my pitiful bruised hand and understood completely. And no, I didn't feel any better. Next nurse put the IV in my left hand, right hand was useless.
I have to add an incident that happened last year since big rigs have been brought into the mix. I'm a northerner but was living in the south. I was doing my yearly exodus to the North for Christmas and happily driving through the mountains in Tennessee. I had an SUV full of pets, kids, and luggage. My husband was deployed so I was on my own. Weather wasn't horrible but there were icy patches here and there so I was not driving insane. About 5 over the speed limit I guess and using cruise control going up. The semi got on my rear about halfway up a mountain and all I could see was grill in the back! I'm going UP the mountain.. he wasn't losing his brakes or anything. He just kept trying to push me and if it had just been me in the truck, I may have slowed down on his sorry rear. Regardless, there's a rest area at the top and I chose that time to take a break, calm down, call his company off the back of the truck.... I wasn't going to risk everybody out there and definitely NOT my family! I do agree that everybody needs to be mindful of the limitations of all vehicles out there - especially big rigs but that goes both ways. 99% of all truckers have been courteous and helpful. Many times they have seen what I have in my vehicle driving across the country and have helped in many ways. That same drive, Indiana was in an ice storm (not the best time to drive in hindsite) and I had to pull off to the side. Two trucks sandwiched me in since they were much easier to see. I had been driving with them a couple of states at that point. I grew up in the snow and ice. My vehicles have spent more than their fair share in ditches (snow is usually a soft landing!). I have learned when it's time to just give up and stay home. Or at least take a break. These recent snow storms are getting people who have never seen it. They think it's just an inconvenience to get off their cars before they take on the road. Silly.
Since I'm in a ranting mood - it has been requested that I do it here today instead of obsessing all day long in chat... hehe We moved here about 2 months ago. My husband comes ahead of me to pick out a house while I visit my family with the pets and kid. Our last house was too small, but the yard was great. Keep in mind this is military housing and not a lot of options. This time, he asked me for a detailed list of what I want and he got everything on it. Now for the rant... It's a brand new house. I keep a running list of things wrong with it and call out maintenance every couple of weeks. Some things are repeat offenders and that really bugs me. How hard is it to install the faucets in the showers? I've learned to fix them myself when they punch out a little. I'm still waiting for them to recaulk the whole house. They have to do all of the new houses so we're on the list. Not only did they not wait for the foundation to settle before sealing it, a few baby earthquakes are not helping much I'm sure. Next, I'm a clean freak. Have been all my life. This house is twice the size of our old house. Absolutely love the space here! Ten times harder to keep clean. The yard is 'sodded' as they say. It's a mud pit with straw on top. I have a pan in the back yard and wash the dog's feet everytime she comes in. Should fix it? Nope, I'm not the only one who takes her out and I'm not the only one who comes in the house. The floors are always a mess. I've started planning the flower beds but they're a long way off yet. We're on a hill so no standing water like the other houses around us. That's a good thing. We have a Charlie Brown tree out front and yes, I do plan on using it for Christmas decorations. I am an impatient person by nature and I just want a LITTLE bit of green outside! I have started seedlings and bought a bunch of houseplants but still not quite the same. And the last thing - I think... is gnats! Terminix came out and can't find a source for them - or a way to get rid of them! They left sticky paper to attract them and I use it like a flyswatter. Most annoying things ever! I'm done now...
Well at least you got your breakfast.. a day late... I have yet to get out and about. After the storm hit last Thursday, all we have had is ice. Hubby took a few hours Sunday to get the truck unstuck from the driveway. He couldn't get back into it once he left. That was so funny! We have a really steep driveway and the truck just kept rolling back... Neighbors must have loved it - I did! My car could not get out of the garage - the snow was too high. We were stuck until then and he had to get to work! This state apparently has no idea how to plow or salt a road. The schools are STILL closed today! P.S. BK's sausage sandwich is so much better!
Kids started school last week here and it seems every day they come home with another list of school supplies that we need to go out and buy! It is unreal. For this being a public school system that is funded by the government, seem to be paying for quite a few things. And if I didn't outright pay for everything she needs, I had to sign a hundred forms saying I'd pay for it if anything happened to it! Which I suppose, I'll end up paying for something as kids do break things on occasion. To just top it off, another set of notes asking for help with less fortunate kids. Oh come on! I have to pay full price for her lunches plus some, to offset what it costs for their free lunches. She can't go in early for the breakfast program. That's ok with her because she doesn't want up early but I'd like the option. Nobody EVER asked us if we'd like anything for free or a reduced fee. Now they want the upc codes on all the major purchases so they can get kickbacks from the companies but sorry - I'm sending them in for rebates!
Just have to find the ones that don't annoy you ALL the time. They can be really very useful on occasion... Wow - I really do mellow out when mine is on the other side of the planet.
Normally I'd agree with you but I miss mine today so I'd have to say he set any terms he wanted.
Ya know what.... ugh - sometimes you just make me want to scream! But that's a given.
What is with these people? They have to get 4 bags (3 - one is a carry-on) and 2 weapon cases from one airport to another. No changing of planes, nothing too difficult here. Everything even matches! Lovely green. So, instead of talking to my husband on his last night in this country, I get a text that he's hunting down a lost bag and he'll call me later. Honestly, if you're hired to do a job, just do it. How hard can it be? They put cute little tags on each piece - do they have an english test involved? Maybe that's it - the language barrier I've heard so much about. But I thought with the job market the way it was, that we'd have better people in every aspect of the working world. Honestly, they don't want me to come up there....
Looks great but I am validated.... I don't like scrolling past that too much... Just kidding - love the new look!
I will admit I am plagiarizing my husband. This is an excerpt from a letter from him while deployed to an Army FOB in Afghan (he is in the Air Force). The names of course have been changed and a bit edited for content. 0130: 155mm Howitzers stopped firing. 0131: Shed armor, unloaded M-16, went zzzzzzzzz 0500: Polish loudmouths woke me up. 0515: Took shower quickly, Polish (refer to 0500) washing each other's backs. wtf? 0516: Tripped over fist-sized rocks on way back to hooch. Stupid sandals. 0530: Fumbled my way around my bed area for a light - any light - lost my light. 0531: Almost burn down hooch with Zippo. 0535: Smoke first cigarette of day. 0540: Smoke 2nd cigarette of the day. 0600: Standing out in front of chow tent in line with the ONLY other AF person here. 0601: Realize that chow tent opens at 0730! He had a light - used it on "closed sign" on tent. 0602: We laughed heartily at Army hours. 0603: He gives me a REAL tour of camp with real intel & everything. At least He's cool. 0700: Back at the radar, still spinning. 0730: Army cook is trying to fight off the mob of hungry Army folks +2 USAF. He yelled, called us scavengers and told us to come back when they open (?) 0800: Ate a packet of cocoa for breakfast. 0900: Called the in-theater commander. 1000: Emailed a home-base commander on our state of the art 1200 baud connection. 1130: Chow tent opens for "brunch." buttholes. 1131: Eat a thing-burger & two unidentifiable sides. 1155: Run to porta-pottie, identified food finally. 1200: Starving again. 1300: Optimized all equipment, started list for Contractor boss to start fixing. 1600: Dust storm, I'm stuck on top of radar fixing infrared (invisible) strobe light. 1615: Choking, gagging, grasping for water bottle covered in fine powdery dust. Crunchy water. 1730: Twisted ankle again on large boulders. 1731: Come to the realization that we're all here to make big rocks into little rocks. 1750: Chow tent opens right at posted 1730 time. hmmm 1820: Finished my crunchy drink & slider-burger. 1830: Almost lost 10 Afghanis due to stupid step-building project. Realize we can easily find new replacements. Note: Guns fired again - 3 workers ran away. Guess they were BRAVE Taliban. 1900: Other AF guy drives off toward mountains... says he's going to look for a sheep for lunch tomorrow. I don't think he's kidding. 2015: Writing my sweetheart because this place is boring. I wish I were bored at home.