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Everything posted by Midnight420

  1. you would be amazed on how many ppl I see zoom in front of a rig ( in high traffic scenarios ) only to lock up their breaks right after cutting them off. IMO you have to be a real idiot to think your safe under those conditions.
  2. indeed..I do the same..someone calls me while driving..I answer..let them know I'm on the road..and will call back..they dont like that fact they can kiss my arse hehehe
  3. Love the food....hate the service.. its rare to find a good store location that actually take pride in their work/store. Not that I go often (for obvious health reasons), but when I do, it would be nice to actually get what I ordered...7 outta 10 times the order is incorrect and I have to go back to get it resolved .. maybe if they payed the employees alittle better they could acquire/retain a quality staff.
  4. sounds quite typical to me LOL .. I often see this myself and I agree with your assessment...now I myself do smoke while I drive...though my eyes are always on the road and a hand on the wheel(I have a floor full of ashes to prove it LOL) ...but phone usage while driving..or even just talking to someone in the car with you..can be quite a driving hazard.
  5. indeed .. some ppl just can't drive in harsh weather conditions ... I've lived arcoss this great country of ours and I've noticed no matter where you go .. be it in a state that has normal yearly snowfall ... or a state that isn't even equipped to handle it...you always find drivers that just can't handle their vehicles properly. I always find it funny when these idiots pass me..as I know I'll prolly see them in a ditch somewhere shortly up the road hehehe. I personally believe the DMV really need to redesign their testing methods to include such things as hazardous weather travel (since I used to be an OTR driver) and how to be on the road with tractor/trailers. I can't count how many accidents I've seen due to a driver cutting off a tractor trailer then slamming on their brakes for various reasons..or following a trailer too closely and have a blown tire go through their windshield ... just amazes me that alot of these drivers think that these trucks can stop on a dime...I even had a lady once tell me.."well you have 18 wheels..I only have 4..you should be to stop 4 times faster than I can" WRONG!!!!! I quickly responded "lady..your car maybe weighs 2 tons .. my rig weighs up to 80 tons ... that averages 4.5 tons per wheel to a half ton per wheel for your car .. so I think you need to rethink your concept on weight vs stopping distance" ... this woman was in shock..she hadn't a clue..as I believe most drivers dont...these are important issues and all ( hazard conditions and breaking distances vs weight) should be added to the DMV testing methods.
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