For those of you who don't know about this, which I'm sure is all of you (I forgot who I told), I've been trying to get a program called Communities in School (CIS) up at MY school. We're having a lot of issues with people's household life, and I decided it's time for SOMEONE to come and talk to them. I can't do it alone. I've been talking to people that volunteer/work there, I've talked to my counselor and now, here's the starting point I've been looking for! Day one of my journey has led me to an email from my principle... Now see, he was my principle when I was in elementary. Now, he's my principle during my senior year. He's a really slow talker, and I'm a fast talker. I can't keep up with his words, and he can't understand mine. This might be difficult. Nervous feelings don't help me slow down when I talk, either. I will be absolutely crushed if this doesn't fall through during my senior year... But I'll be damned if it doesn't fall through at all. This isn't about college applications and what will make me look good. This isn't about gaining some time of knowledge about what I'll be dealing with in my future. This is about the people I've grown up with, the people I'll be leaving behind when I graduate, the people that have always looked up to me. Even the people who haven't! Parents give up on their kids too easily, or blame the school when they fail. Guess what, IT'S NOT THE SCHOOL'S FAULT! If it were the teachers would be fired. I'm more worried about it not working. I was even thinking of volunteering for them. I would love to be a mentor for a kid in a random school! I would be getting some good skills for my future psychology job! Also, I would be helping a kid stay in school or just keep their head up. I'm excited for this, again. I had a period where I just didn't think that it was going to work. But, I keep pushing for it! Anyways, that's about all I can think of to talk about it. It's been pretty slow so far. Hopefully, it picks up!