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Everything posted by Cortty

  1. I cant stand how people think that just because something bad happens to them, that must mean there's no God. People, God isn't running a make-a-wish foundation!
  2. I KNOW RIGHT!? Or at least put the basket in the grass if you're able to do so if you're in a REAL hurry! It's ridiculous how people think they can do whatever they want now-a-days! When I'm driving, I make sure I follow the law the best to my ability. I'm new at this, but I'm a hell of a lot better than most of the crazy ass people I have to drive with! This idiot came flying off the ramp from the highway one time when I was driving with mom and he cut us off. It was heavy traffic and I'm am SO glad the person behind me was paying attention. I had to slam my breaks because his tailgate almost hit the front of the Rav! Let's just say I wasn't too calm. Then last thursday this idiot didn't even look in his mirrors and I had no choice but to keep going! I couldn't go around him and there was somebody on my butt! I honked my horn for about 6 seconds. The only thing that happened was the person behind me got off of me and the guy in front STILL didn't look and just went his own way onto the highway! I'm seriously considering defensive driving.
  3. Dear Kesha,

    I don't think dancing like your dumb is a good thing.

    You might want to go learn how to REALLY dance.


    A Concerned Music Lover

  4. Awesome layout, Wolf. :)
  5. So say hello to all the boys on top of this table that your under. Lipstick lallubies; this is sorry for the last time. And baby I understand that you're making new friends. This is how you get by. The moral this time: Girls make boys cry. ♥
  6. Uhhh..I already told you which ones. It's all i can think of.
  7. Psssh, they can do that themselves...
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