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Lady Night Owl

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Everything posted by Lady Night Owl

  1. I can't stand when people don't AT LEAST do the bleeping speed limit (they go like 30 in a 45 - clear conditions, no sharp turns, etc.). Like 'ooo, I'm driving a Lexus (or a BMW), isn't it the hottest car you've ever seen? I'm sooo much more important than you in your Pontiac, so I'm going to go as slow as I damn well please...' Well, who the heck knows what they're really thinking. All I know is that I'm not impressed - just DRIVE for the love of Christmas! The gas pedal is to your R I G H T...found it? Good, now accelerate and stop hitting the brake every five seconds for no cotton picking reason! But, if that's not irksome enough, how about the genius behind you that is right on your bumper - as if that's going to make you move faster. I hate being sandwiched between two idiots. Hello, McFly?!? You don't see the snail in front of me? Here, lemme hit this trusty button on my dashboard that will make me fly over them - oh yeah, the perk for you is that you'll end up in front of me so you can go as fast as you like. Oh wait, that extra feature broke - haha, oh well. At least I still have Turbo Boost. Yeah, right. Don't I wish. Something like this happened the other day when I was taking my son to school. I ended up pulling over to let the moron pass me so he could be stuck behind the idiot in front of me. If my kid wasn't in the car, I might have slammed on my brakes. Then again, maybe not, because I happen to like my car intact.
  2. I know, I ran into all that stuff on my other forum (now retired). It's impossible to verify age without demanding a copy of ID or using a credit card - but even then, it's the Net so the person could be lying about their identity. And yeah, the teens that are very intelligent or almost adults would present a problem. Don't you kind of add people manually to the ToonTown group (by approval)? It's not much different. As for the PO & SX - by joining an adult group (or section) that potentially offended person would have to be a little dense if they thought an adult place was going to be free of things like that. And they can be warned in the description. If they join the group, then it's on them (exactly what you said - their fault). N*Adults, hehe. Yeah, that's kind of what I was thinking. I see that I can create a group, but I wanted to run something like that by you first and maybe get some input from the other adult members here.
  3. Just a thought Wolfie - would you consider making a private group at some point in the future for 18+ members? Ranting without extreme vulgarities is fine - especially with youngins around, but perhaps the adults might like a place where they can have a little more freedom with their vocabulary and discuss things that are on their minds that might be deemed inappropriate for the younger members. It would be a good place to put those possibly offensive/sexually oriented jokes and it would probably only require light moderating (just keep an eye out for personal attacks, advertising, etc.). When the 18- members reach 18, they can request to join the group if they want. Well, I hope some other adults will add their input either way.
  4. Can't say I love him, but I do admire his quick-wittedness and he certainly is an amusing character
  5. Hey, no fair! I can't say the word I'm thinking lol K, I'll give it a shot... ____________________________________________________ Foreplay
  6. (Sorry to interrupt the off-topicness - er not really sorry, but anyway...) Ahhh snoring! I've been told that I snore when my sinuses are stuffed up and I can't stand when people snore. I fell asleep on the couch one night and my grandmother woke me up with her snoring from the next room. I've been told that I talk in my sleep sometimes and sadly, it's usually computer related lol My mother came in the room to wake me up one morning and I said "Delete, delete, delete!" among other techno-geek things. I once laughed in my sleep also - had a friend stay over a while back and he tried to wake me up but I hit him. After I laughed again, he was afraid to touch me lol The dream I was having must have been rather amusing. *shrugs* Grinding teeth sucks - and of that I'm guilty too! Never heard myself, but it's certainly painful the next day
  7. I hate to say it, but he's right. Hmm, how about...Bra Hehe
  8. What's up with that Wolfie? So is this a mess up with permissions or what? ETA: Nevermind - just went to try again and I think I can play. ETA2: Yep, I can play. Oops!
  9. lol You're a piece of work. But you knew that. OK... IGNORAMUS
  10. Ooo N*Blogs What the heck would I do with ANOTHER one? Nevermind. Don't answer that - just thinking out loud.
  11. LOL Unfortunately, I can't say anything about a job. That old saying applies: "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"
  12. In Western astrology, I'm a Libra. Eastern - Snake (aaah!) and in Celtic astrology (they go by trees) I'm Ivy. With the Ivy people: There are two distinct types of Ivy individuals (a division which relates to all Celtic Tree Signs). The "new moon" character is associated with the first two weeks of a sign and the "full moon" character is associated with the last two weeks. I think I'm the "new moon" character: The "new moon" Ivy individual is a rather radical thinker...something akin to the Rowan individual...but with a more artistic temperament. Such people, however, do have a tendency to be somewhat indecisive and their success rate has a propensity to swing between two extremes which will set the pattern of life accordingly. Instead of adding a link to the site where I found this information, I'll just list the trees associated with birthdays: 12/24 - 01/20 ... The Birch 01/21 - 02/17 ... The Rowan 02/18 - 03/17 ... The Ash 03/18 - 04/14 ... The Alder 04/15 - 05/12 ... The Willow 05/13 - 06/09 ... The Hawthorn 06/10 - 07/07 ... The Oak 07/08 - 08/04 ... The Holly 08/05 - 09/01 ... The Hazel 09/02 - 09/29 ... The Vine 09/30 - 10/27 ... The Ivy 10/28 - 11/24 ... The Reed 11/25 - 12/23 ... The Elder I know a lot of people think this stuff is bologna, so I must say, stop reading the darn tabloid/newspaper versions of horoscopes! The stuff you find in there really is rubbish. Every time I've read them I thought things like "Gee, the one for Cancer sounds more like me than my own sign today" It's better to get your natal chart done and interpreted (because it's not just about your "Sun Sign" - the placement of other planets and the moon are taken into account also)...then tell me if you still think it's a joke.
  13. Oh hush. I know someone that used to say that all the time. One phrase you could often hear from him was "That's King Gay" Though I can't say that he stood up for people that swing that way
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