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Will this horrible trend never end?


Okay so I live close to a Target store. Today, I was heading there and at this stoplight, I was in the left lane behind one vehicle, with an oversized SVU like vehicle in the front of the right lane. I see the driver side window of that gas guzzler roll down a few inches and then out drops a cigarette onto the ground. Gee, nice way to litter the world! I tried looking inside (hard with the angle and tinted backseat windows) and what do I see? This lady is talking ON HER PHONE WHILE DRIVING! Let's review for a moment here... Talking on her phone (using her right hand), smoking with her left hand... WHAT HAND IS SHE USING TO DRIVE WITH?!?


Anyways, light turns green and in the span of under a mile, I had managed to get in front of her before the next stoplight, which was red. At that light, I needed to make a right turn so I had on my blinker. Oh gawd, she has on her right blinker as well. Okay I decide to WAIT before going. The other side of the road has the light to make left turns so I'm staying put so they can proceed safely. I didn't want to go and then risk having her going as well and colliding with someone coming from the other side. After those cars have all made the turn, I proceed. Another 'under a mile' travel later and I'm making a right into the shopping center where the Target is located. She turns into there as well. Still on the phone ALL this time, I should add.


Okay so traveling slowly in the shopping center, respecting the multiple stops. There are two stops to let people enter and exit the stores (PetSmart and Barnes & Noble), with traffic being required to stop for those walking across. Then after that, there's another stop to yield right of way to other traffic, then on the other side is the Target store. Low and behold, she's going to the Target store too. So I park and keep an eye on where she parks and then get out and walk slowly to let her catch up to me. When she does, I say, "Excuse me!" to which she turns to me and I proceed to tell her that in the future when she's driving, to actually drive instead of talking on the phone. She then goes "Pssssssh" and continues to walk on and I add in, "and quit the smoking too."


I so so SOOOO hope that the person on the phone heard me and will talk about it to her in the future, like, "Hey you're not driving now are you?"


Anyways, here's the Coup de grâce... As she's entering the store, she is ENDING THE CALL. Okay um. WTF? Talking on the phone is more important than being a safe driver, BUT shopping is more important than talking on the phone?!?




Let's review...


Smoking AND talking on the phone WHILE driving (which hand was she using to drive with again?).. Then gets off the phone when going into the store! Just how screwed up is that woman's judgment?

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Will this horrible trend never end?


Okay so I live close to a Target store. Today, I was heading there and at this stoplight, I was in the left lane behind one vehicle, with an oversized SVU like vehicle in the front of the right lane. I see the driver side window of that gas guzzler roll down a few inches and then out drops a cigarette onto the ground. Gee, nice way to litter the world! I tried looking inside (hard with the angle and tinted backseat windows) and what do I see? This lady is talking ON HER PHONE WHILE DRIVING! Let's review for a moment here... Talking on her phone (using her right hand), smoking with her left hand... WHAT HAND IS SHE USING TO DRIVE WITH?!?


Anyways, light turns green and in the span of under a mile, I had managed to get in front of her before the next stoplight, which was red. At that light, I needed to make a right turn so I had on my blinker. Oh gawd, she has on her right blinker as well. Okay I decide to WAIT before going. The other side of the road has the light to make left turns so I'm staying put so they can proceed safely. I didn't want to go and then risk having her going as well and colliding with someone coming from the other side. After those cars have all made the turn, I proceed. Another 'under a mile' travel later and I'm making a right into the shopping center where the Target is located. She turns into there as well. Still on the phone ALL this time, I should add.


Okay so traveling slowly in the shopping center, respecting the multiple stops. There are two stops to let people enter and exit the stores (PetSmart and Barnes & Noble), with traffic being required to stop for those walking across. Then after that, there's another stop to yield right of way to other traffic, then on the other side is the Target store. Low and behold, she's going to the Target store too. So I park and keep an eye on where she parks and then get out and walk slowly to let her catch up to me. When she does, I say, "Excuse me!" to which she turns to me and I proceed to tell her that in the future when she's driving, to actually drive instead of talking on the phone. She then goes "Pssssssh" and continues to walk on and I add in, "and quit the smoking too."


I so so SOOOO hope that the person on the phone heard me and will talk about it to her in the future, like, "Hey you're not driving now are you?"


Anyways, here's the Coup de grâce... As she's entering the store, she is ENDING THE CALL. Okay um. WTF? Talking on the phone is more important than being a safe driver, BUT shopping is more important than talking on the phone?!?




Let's review...


Smoking AND talking on the phone WHILE driving (which hand was she using to drive with again?).. Then gets off the phone when going into the store! Just how screwed up is that woman's judgment?


sounds quite typical to me LOL .. I often see this myself and I agree with your assessment...now I myself do smoke while I drive...though my eyes are always on the road and a hand on the wheel(I have a floor full of ashes to prove it LOL) ...but phone usage while driving..or even just talking to someone in the car with you..can be quite a driving hazard.

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sounds quite typical to me LOL .. I often see this myself and I agree with your assessment...now I myself do smoke while I drive...though my eyes are always on the road and a hand on the wheel(I have a floor full of ashes to prove it LOL) ...but phone usage while driving..or even just talking to someone in the car with you..can be quite a driving hazard.

If someone wants to smoke their lungs away in their own vehicle, then while that in itself may be dangerous, that's up to them. Seeing someone talking on the phone gets my attention and if I see them driving stupid in any way, then I believe that they shouldn't be talking on the phone (and I admit, I make the assumption that they are always on the phone while driving). If they pick up the phone, talk for a couple of minutes and then get off the phone and do a great job of driving at the same time, then they don't worry me because they are showing some level of common sense and restraint while driving.


I won't deny that I sometimes (SOME times) talk on the phone while driving, but for the most part, the calls or travels are short or important. Push come to shove, that person on the phone can just wait. The driving takes priority, I don't care WHO it is I'm talking to.

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If someone wants to smoke their lungs away in their own vehicle, then while that in itself may be dangerous, that's up to them. Seeing someone talking on the phone gets my attention and if I see them driving stupid in any way, then I believe that they shouldn't be talking on the phone (and I admit, I make the assumption that they are always on the phone while driving). If they pick up the phone, talk for a couple of minutes and then get off the phone and do a great job of driving at the same time, then they don't worry me because they are showing some level of common sense and restraint while driving.


I won't deny that I sometimes (SOME times) talk on the phone while driving, but for the most part, the calls or travels are short or important. Push come to shove, that person on the phone can just wait. The driving takes priority, I don't care WHO it is I'm talking to.


indeed..I do the same..someone calls me while driving..I answer..let them know I'm on the road..and will call back..they dont like that fact they can kiss my arse hehehe

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