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Newsletter arrived in the mail

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The area I live in has a home owner's association and we were getting newsletters mailed every quarter for a few years. A couple of years ago the guy who did the newsletter for us moved and we haven't had one since. I was surprised to find one in my mail a couple of weeks ago. My mind had all sorts of happy thoughts like 'cool we're going to be getting a newsletter again' 'gosh I wonder what wonderful things I will read about today'.

So I open it up and sure enough there is information about the schedule for the pool this summer and other upcoming events planned by the recreation committee. The rest of the 4 page newsletter is quarter page ads asking me to vote for a certain residents running for a place on our community's board of directors. We have an election meeting coming up! Now, I know of at least one person who is running for a position and his name was not mentioned anywhere in this so called newsletter. The only people who had ad's were those already on our board of directors. Call me slow, yes there was a moment there I thought this was a real newsletter, but this was political advertising clear and simple. It was biased and paid for out of funds generated by my home owner association dues and mailed to all 900 residences with postage we paid for. I want to go to the meeting and scream about this but that would accomplish little more than making me seem like a petty troublemaker. So I'm ranting here....I'm so glad I found this site! Oh, also I don't think I'll be getting anymore newsletters :(

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You should go and speak up. If you go and ask why it was done the way it was, using member fees to pay for political agendas that don't represent everyones opinions, then it might get everyone else speaking up asking the same thing. Could even persuade people to vote those currently in office out, to make way for people who won't spend other peoples money so carelessly.
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You should go and speak up. If you go and ask why it was done the way it was, using member fees to pay for political agendas that don't represent everyones opinions, then it might get everyone else speaking up asking the same thing. Could even persuade people to vote those currently in office out, to make way for people who won't spend other peoples money so carelessly.



If I had even an ounce of faith that others around me understood, care or would do anything about it then maybe I would speak out. I pick my battles , preferably ones that are played on even playing grounds and ones that have at least a hope of accomplishing something...


No, this is just going to be a rant here on this wonderful site that allows me to sit at home and rant about the little things! :(

Edited by OnaRoll
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If I had even an ounce of faith that others around me understood, care or would do anything about it then maybe I would speak out. I pick my battles , preferably ones that are played on even playing grounds and ones that have at least a hope of accomplishing something...


No, this is just going to be a rant here on this wonderful site that allows me to sit at home and rant about the little things! :(

Up to you, just thought I'd offer so encouragement to speak up. :)
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