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I have worked at McDonald's for over two years, and there are quite a few things that really grate my nerves. Most of it is about the customers, but some of it is about my co-workers and managers.


We have an auto-greet system in our drive-thru. Someone who actually works in the store records the greeting (usually suggesting some menu item such as a Big Mac meal or a Caramel Frappe), and the system plays the greeting every time a car comes up to the speaker. I didn't like it at first, but I came to like it, because it's really annoying to have to say the same damn thing over and over and over again for eight hours. The thing I hate about this system now is that the customer will usually say, "No." Then they just sit there until I say, "Order when you're ready," or something along those lines. Why not just go ahead and order? Some people even ask, "Are you there?" No, I'm not here, sir or madam. It's not like I'm paid to stay in that position and do what the hell I'm supposed to do or anything. Simply answer yes or no, then go ahead with your order. Your sitting there wastes time.


Another thing is the switchover from breakfast to lunch at 10:30. The kitchen is not designed to produce breakfast and lunch at the same time; that's why we have to switch RIGHT at 10:30. We have to hurry up and get all of the breakfast food out of the way to make room for lunch food. I have a tip: don't come at 10:29. Also, I have another small tip: don't order lunch at 10:30 sharp and wonder why it takes a little longer to get your hamburger and small fry. We're probably still trying to get all of the breakfast food out at the same time.


I really hate when people are vague with their orders. Don't sit there and say, "I want a fry." What size fry? We have more than one size, and "regular" isn't a size we have. We also don't have that "super size" anymore. It's small, medium, or large. Be specific, because I can't read your mind. What kind of Angus Burger? We have three kinds. What flavor McFlurry? We have three different flavors. I could go on and on about that.


Don't start huffing and puffing if we get something wrong; you just make yourself look like an idiot, and we always make fun of you after you leave.


If you're ordering food inside, make sure you're listening when the food is called out. It really annoys me to have to repeat myself. There are too many times when customers just stand on front line spacing out when their food is sitting on the counter. Pay attention.


It really drives me crazy when I'm in back booth or front booth (where I hand out the food for drive-thru), and I try greeting the customer but get completely ignored. No smile, no greeting, no eye contact at all. To me, that is completely rude. I know I'm the one that is supposed to greet customers, but I do put forth the effort to be somewhat genuine about it. The least you could do is at least give me eye contact and say hello back. What's so hard about that? Once I get a customer like that, I make sure I only greet them with a, "Hi," without a smile or a thank you in the future.


The biggest thing I can't stand about my co-workers is that they can be sloppy. With some of the McCafe products comes whipped cream and drizzle, and it drives me up the wall when they don't try to be neat about it. I know that I would pay attention to how neatly it is done. Not too sure about many other people though. Additionally, if I'm making the sandwiches, I try to make sure everything sits neatly on the sandwich, and I try to make sure the ketchup actually makes it onto the sandwich and not inside the wrapper or the box. I don't notice that in many other co-workers of mine.


A huge thing I hate about the management is that they will implement a new policy or rule but won't stick to it. For the past week, we have had to give the soft drink and sweet tea cups after giving the food because of one occurrence I have stated above (customers staring off into space or just not listening when their food is called out, causing customers to grab the wrong bags and dumb shit like that). A lot of customers seem to get angry or upset about this policy. (The policy actually isn't new at all. It's the way it should have always been.) So the managers just instruct us, "If they ask for it, give it to them." That makes ME look like an idiot. Already I've had regular customers tell me they are never coming back because of this policy. I think that's getting a little too mad about it, but oh well.


That's all for now.

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Another thing is the switchover from breakfast to lunch at 10:30. The kitchen is not designed to produce breakfast and lunch at the same time; that's why we have to switch RIGHT at 10:30. We have to hurry up and get all of the breakfast food out of the way to make room for lunch food. I have a tip: don't come at 10:29. Also, I have another small tip: don't order lunch at 10:30 sharp and wonder why it takes a little longer to get your hamburger and small fry. We're probably still trying to get all of the breakfast food out at the same time.

Some McD's are capable of handling both at the same time. Someone I know told me of one in this area that continues to serve breakfast until like 10:45 or 11:00, and also capable of starting the lunch foods early as well, to give customers their lunch orders faster. Too bad not all McD's have or use the same setup.



I really hate when people are vague with their orders. Don't sit there and say, "I want a fry." What size fry?

Maybe they just want one fry. Not an order of them. I'm wondering though, have you ever had a rude guy and wanted to tell him that he needs to "supersize his fry"? :)



Don't start huffing and puffing if we get something wrong; you just make yourself look like an idiot, and we always make fun of you after you leave.

I remember those days. Customers calling up (when I worked in a pizza joint) and then making absurd comments/accusations/etc. Pointing out the stupidity of their comments after getting off the phone and having a laugh over it.



If you're ordering food inside, make sure you're listening when the food is called out. It really annoys me to have to repeat myself.

I'm guilty of spacing out when my order is read back to me (during ordering). When the food order is being called out though, I'm not guilty of not paying attention. It's more like, "slow the f* down when reading back the order because it's hard to understand "forsawsgbiscutstohshbrwns" and that's just a small order. Maybe just calling order, "Order #97" would be better, especially if you want to have more orders before 10:30am. Of course, this isn't directed at you Ang, just a general thought.
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