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Restricted Reply Function


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File Name: Restricted Reply Function

File Submitter: Wolfie

File Submitted: 28 Sep 2010

File Updated: 11 Dec 2010

File Category: Mods by Wolfie

Mod for: IP.Board


This hook will enable you to restrict the reply function so that only the topic starter and certain staff and/or member groups can reply to the topic.


Useful if you need to have a forum where members can ask for help and then only those with certain access are able to respond to those topics. Preventing random replies can cut down on bad advice or other sorts of unwanted replies that can cause issues or confusion.



* Select forums to restrict reply function on

* Select groups to exempt from the restriction (can require member to have it as their primary group or can include secondary groups too).

* Options to exempt global mods, admins or moderators of the selected forums.



@Blair is using it on Geeks to Go for the Virus, Spyware, Malware Removal forum.

(Please do not register on that site just to test the hook. If you need to test it, please test it on this site.)


Click here to download this file

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Small help guide for those wondering what the settings do.




  1. Enabled
    Simple enough, determines if the mod is turned on or not. This lets you turn it off easily without having to disable/reenable the hook.
  2. Forums
    Which forums you want to be affected by the function.
  3. Exempt forum moderators/global moderators/administrators
    Forum moderators - will let the moderators of the selected forums reply to the topics of the forums they are moderators of.
    Global moderators - exempts global/supermoderators for all forums
    Administrators - Exempts those with ACP access
  4. Group exempt type
    None - Ignores the groups setting
    Primary - If the members primary group is one of the selected groups, they will bypass the restriction
    On - If the members primary group or one of their secondary groups is one of the selected groups, they will bypass the restriction.
  5. Groups
    Groups exempt from the restriction, only active if the previous setting is not set to "None"
  6. License Key
    Only necessary for the encoded version of the mod. This key is used to call the license server which then validates the mod to be run on the site. Validations are active for up to 28 days at a time, so really a validation 'call' is only necessary once every 28 days.
    If there are any additional questions, please let me know.

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