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Self absorbed people (another driving rant)...

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Okay this isn't so much about driving as it is about parking. I recently went to a local grocery store and someone was not only parked in the fire lane and not only parked right in front of the doors (so you have to go out of your way to get around them to get in/out of the store), but also in such a way that you had to drive in the opposite lane to get past their vehicle.


So I managed to park and then the lady driving the vehicle was starting to leave and I gave her this evil look and as she was starting to pass she stopped and asked what was wrong and I told her that the fire lane wasn't her personal parking space. She was like, "Excuse me?" and I repeated it to her. For some reason, people (at least around here) have gotten it into their heads that the fire lane, right in front of the doors, is their personal parking space. That somehow the rules of parking don't apply to them. It's bad enough to park in the fire lane, but to me it's only acceptable if the person is making a delivery (food delivery for example) and so they shouldn't be expected to park and it's somewhat acceptable if they don't park in a way that makes it inconvenient for others. I'm talking about out of the way to both drivers AND those trying to get in/out of the store.


Another little pet peeve about parking... Why the hell can't people push their carts either back to the store OR the few extra feet away to one of those little cart buggies or whatever they're called? I've literally seen someone finish putting groceries into their vehicle, push their care behind another vehicle that is next to them, then get into their vehicle and leave. My gawd, one of those little cart centers was only an extra 20 to 30 feet away, not like it was any great amount of distance!


I don't remember if I posted this but I also encountered a smoker who flicked her lit cigarette onto the ground before going into a store. I kept an eye out for her and when she came back out, I got out of my car, ran out, picked up the cigarette and was like, "Excuse me!" to get her attention and then told her she had forgotten her cigarette. Small little exchange but I certainly hope it made her feel ashamed for what she had done. I doubt it but I can still hope.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I KNOW RIGHT!? Or at least put the basket in the grass if you're able to do so if you're in a REAL hurry! It's ridiculous how people think they can do whatever they want now-a-days! When I'm driving, I make sure I follow the law the best to my ability. I'm new at this, but I'm a hell of a lot better than most of the crazy ass people I have to drive with!


This idiot came flying off the ramp from the highway one time when I was driving with mom and he cut us off. It was heavy traffic and I'm am SO glad the person behind me was paying attention. I had to slam my breaks because his tailgate almost hit the front of the Rav! Let's just say I wasn't too calm.


Then last thursday this idiot didn't even look in his mirrors and I had no choice but to keep going! I couldn't go around him and there was somebody on my butt! I honked my horn for about 6 seconds. The only thing that happened was the person behind me got off of me and the guy in front STILL didn't look and just went his own way onto the highway! I'm seriously considering defensive driving.

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I'm seriously considering defensive driving.

That's the way you're supposed to drive anyways.


I think it'd be so awesome to have a vehicle that was indestructible like KITT. Built real sturdy and then just drive around and if someone is driving recklessly, let them plow/merge into the vehicle and when their car is basically damaged to a point of not being able to drive it, maybe they'll realize that they need to be more respectful on the road.


I also think it'd be awesome if there was some vigilante that would chase down butthole drivers and then disable their vehicles. Not hurt the person driving, but just like carefully get their vehicle to the side of the road and then like slash the tires. Let that happen a few times to a person and I bet that they'll start being better drivers because they can't afford to keep replacing tires to stay on the road. Not that I'm encouraging someone to actually do that, just it'd be funny to see new reports of things like that happening where the vigilante is only getting buttholes and dangerous drivers off of the roads, causing no harm to people and even somehow getting videos sent in to TV stations so that the 'victims' can't claim that they don't know why they were attacked. Once it's known that such bad driving attracts the attention of the vigilantes, more people would drive better in order to avoid the issues.


Sometimes though I wish I had a video camera recording what's going on around me while I'm driving, then when something memorable happens, I could hit a button and the past two minutes would be saved and would continue to record until I hit the button again. Then I could upload it to YouTube and eventually people that know them would see their driving and give them hell about it. :D

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  • 3 weeks later...
Omgosh the people around here drive like their drunk! Idk how many car crashes i've gotton into in the past 5 years i've live where i am now but people drive so crazy! I've never gotton hurt or anything but damn car crashes could of killed me! I think people who dont know how to drive should just ride a bicycle or something instead of a car
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I think people who dont know how to drive should just ride a bicycle or something instead of a car

The problem with that is that they will come up with something to explain why they were driving like an idiot "that one time". It's deceptively simple to get a license and amazingly difficult to take away, even if they've been busted for DUI or some other b.s.

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