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I was talking to Schyler about how angry I've been getting at things lately, and he asked if I needed a hug. I said I needed my grandmother (Nanny). He told me to move on. I mean seriously?! Who does that?! It's barely been a whole year since she's passed. I'm still grieving over her, and he damn well knows that! When his grandfather died, I NEVER told him to move on. I told him it'll get better, and to always remember him. What the hell does he do with me?! "You're acting like a child." "Cortney, move on." I'll move the f**k on when I feel like it. In the mean time why don't you go suck a fat one and choke on it?! It's common knowledge unless you want to send somebody into a rage, you don't say that!


Oh, and hallelujah, my anniversary is today! What do I get, a couple of shut ups, some ignores on phone calls, and a text that says "I'm going to bed, night." HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU, TOO! Oh, and here's a punch in the face!


Sometimes, I wish people would just be silent when they talked so I didn't hear a god damn thing coming out of there mouth.

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You need to move on.




You could always toss it back at him. Next time he's like, "You need to move on", just be like, "Oh so that's how you got over your granddad dying, you just tossed him aside and moved on eh?" I'm sure the sting will pluck that right nerve where you can comment that it pisses you off when he tells you to move on as though grieving is a bad thing.


Anniversary? When did you get married?

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I was talking to Schyler about how angry I've been getting at things lately, and he asked if I needed a hug. I said I needed my grandmother (Nanny). He told me to move on. I mean seriously?! Who does that?! It's barely been a whole year since she's passed. I'm still grieving over her, and he damn well knows that! When his grandfather died, I NEVER told him to move on. I told him it'll get better, and to always remember him. What the hell does he do with me?! "You're acting like a child." "Cortney, move on." I'll move the f**k on when I feel like it. In the mean time why don't you go suck a fat one and choke on it?! It's common knowledge unless you want to send somebody into a rage, you don't say that!


Oh, and hallelujah, my anniversary is today! What do I get, a couple of shut ups, some ignores on phone calls, and a text that says "I'm going to bed, night." HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU, TOO! Oh, and here's a punch in the face!


Sometimes, I wish people would just be silent when they talked so I didn't hear a god damn thing coming out of there mouth.

Can i beat his ass....please?!?!?!

He needs to learn a god damn lesson. BEAT HIS ASS D:<

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So how many boyfriends and girlfriends do you have? :P

Lol, I'm not even going to answer that.

That many eh?



Still haven't talked to him. And you know something? He's always talking about how I'm his best friend, but he doesn't even attempt to talk to me when he's online or invisible. It's making me second guess EVERYTHING between me and him.

That's nothing. Wait until he comes up with some explanation as to why he's been acting this way and you want to trust him no matter how much you know deep down that there's something that he's not telling you.. Or you show a distrust to him when deep down you know that you're probably only being paranoid..

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