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New stuff at N*Raged


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For those who like to explore new stuff or play with new things and as some may have already noticed, N*Raged has new stuff!


First, there are a couple of new skins (templates, views, etc) to use. One should already be visible to everyone, it's the GeoTech skin. If you want to see if you're using it or want to take a look at it if you're not, then scroll all the way to the bottom of any page and on the left you'll see a drop down menu where you can choose from a variety of names. GeoTech is a new skin that was released just a few days ago and is rather stylish. The other new skin, which may be considered rather 'girly' looking, is called SuperStar. So for those of you who want a choice, you have one. Be sure to check them both out!


For you Windows users, ever been frustrated with the way Windows works (or rather, doesn't work)? I've started a new area named "Windows Tips & Tricks", where useful tidbits of information can be submitted. I'll admit, I made it mostly as a reference area for my own needs, so that as I make changes I will always have a place to go so I can easily find the information again, but anyone can use it to try to enhance their Windows experience.


The forum is here and the articles are located here.


I've tried to set it up so that anyone can submit an article, so if you can't find the option to submit a new article or if you try and it says you don't have permission to do it, then please let me know. Please only submit things that are related to Windows itself and not specific software. If your tip or trick can be used on various versions of Windows (for example, not specific to just XP), then use the Generic category.


I look forward to seeing some new additions to see what solutions people have for their Windows frustrations.


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