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Selfish Teachers

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I mean, come on.. What's with teachers who are unable to feel emotion/think about others emotions. I've been 'catching up on my memories' and I remember the time when this girl got a 30 minute detention and started crying. Our teacher told her to stop sulking. Apparantely her parents were going to shout at her and her mum would lock herself in her bedroom and ignore her. That's what she said to me anyway.

I remember when my french teacher gave me a 1 hour detention, and I have to go home by myself. From school to home it's a 30 min journey, I have to walk for 10 minutes to the bus stop, 10 waiting for the bus, and another 10 going to my street by bus. It was like December, so it would be dark out by the time I got out. No one would pick me up from school, and I didn't want to be walking alone in the streets after we got letters home about some guy asking people to get in his car. So I kindly asked the teacher if it could me moved to another day so my mum could pick me up.. and guess what? She went beserk. She said no, she gave her reasons and didn't care at all. So I skipped the detention, there was no way I was puttng my life in danger because of a selfish teacher.

And the good thing is.. no one noticed.

So all was well.

But I still hate those kind of teachers. B)

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I remember when my french teacher gave me a 1 hour detention, and I have to go home by myself. From school to home it's a 30 min journey, I have to walk for 10 minutes to the bus stop, 10 waiting for the bus, and another 10 going to my street by bus. It was like December, so it would be dark out by the time I got out. No one would pick me up from school, and I didn't want to be walking alone in the streets after we got letters home about some guy asking people to get in his car. So I kindly asked the teacher if it could me moved to another day so my mum could pick me up.. and guess what? She went beserk. She said no, she gave her reasons and didn't care at all. So I skipped the detention, there was no way I was puttng my life in danger because of a selfish teacher.

You should have said, in a loud voice so others can hear, "So you want me to get raped and killed instead?!?"


Then it'd be on the teacher to explain to her coworkers (when they finally hear about it) why she would make you take that risk instead of punishing you some other way or on some other day when it wouldn't endanger your life.

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Lol knowing that teacher, she'd probably tell me to shush and then give me a Saturday 3 hour detention for being rude.

She's a cow ..

That's when you argue about it.. "Oh, so now you're gonna punish me because I don't want to be raped and killed?" Said in a very loud voice so that others will hear you.


Trust me, when that teacher is busy explaining why she wouldn't put your safety first, and then punished you more because you weren't being stupid, it'll have a severe impact on your punishment. Namely, what you did will seem like nothing and it'll get tossed aside (or at the least, made acceptable to you and your safety).


People hate being put on the spot to explain something, even if they are right.

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Hah, so true.. and since it's my mega-strict french teacher, everyone would be like, "Wow were you really that rude to Miss. Teachername??!!?!?!?!" loll

I think she thought I was lying though, because she was telling me that it's "no excuse" and I should go to my detention like everyone else.

xP Wanted to slap her

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