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Drama Queen?!

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this girl started hating me in junior high.. for no apparent reason.. and never stopped. the most annoying thing she does is give me these death glares, which most of my friends think are hilarious, but they creep me out a good bit. mostly, she is just really stupid. when i was 15, i started hanging out with this guy, whom i didn't know she had a crush on, so she told him that i was in a gang (in small town middle america?) and i did drugs (also not true). anyway, he and i started dating, and her congratulations for that was to hug him, forcing his face into her chest and causing an outburst of laughter after she left the room. probably the worst thing she did was go to a teacher and proclaim that i was using my position (in marching band) to be mean to her, but the teacher and i were close, and he knew what was going on. i really wasn't trying to be mean. she was really spacy and bad at marching... and playing too..
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I'm staff on another network where there's a teen chat. That place is honestly composed of over emotional and dramatic users. I am always summoned because they're not able to conduct an actual conversation without discussing death and cutting themselves. I normally just say that being overly dramatic and emotional over nothing is a trend in the room, so there's nothing I can do. I generally ignore people who are dramatic and emotional to an extent where they're annoying. It's not much of a problem for me. B)
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  Demolition_X said:
I'm staff on another network where there's a teen chat. That place is honestly composed of over emotional and dramatic users. I am always summoned because they're not able to conduct an actual conversation without discussing death and cutting themselves.

i have stopped listening to anyone who brags about cutting online. in general, at least from personal experience, i know that people who have serious problems with cutting do not flaunt it. they try their best to hide it from the world. someone who goes around bragging about the little nick in his or her arm may have some other little thing bugging him or her, but really he or she just wants attention, and i think its wrong to use such a serious issue to get it.

i hang out in probably the most "emo" of all internet chat rooms, and i'd say that most of the people going on about wanting to kill themselves or cut are really perfectly fine but very bored, and they just want someone to talk to. that's usually also a good way to tell their probably not someone worth talking to.

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  Eloise said:
xD I keep getting a weirdo on my aim saying "Hi" I don't know them either.

Anyone know how to block em? =S

  Wolfie said:
Yeah, try the block option. B)
  Eloise said:
What block option? o_o
  Strawberry said:
The wee msn guy with a red circle around him :/

She's talking about AIM, not MSN.

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