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Lady Night Owl

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Today, I went to pick up a U-Haul so that we can get an entertainment center. Oops, forgot my driver's license in the car. No biggie - I go out to get it and find that it's not where I usually keep it. I don't recall putting it in my pocket recently or anything. I don't go to bars often so it's not like I need it for ID.


Thankfully, the rental place didn't charge us the cancellation fee. Anyway, I get home and proceed to look in every place imaginable to no avail.


I do recall going out sometime in July and putting my license in a little bag with some purchases - which my fool-ass didn't empty out and put away as soon as I got home - and of course, it's nowhere to be found.


Sooo, I have to get my birth certificate and go to the DMV to get a new one. Of course, I'll probably find it after going through all of that!



Edited by Lady Night Owl
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I really hate when stuff like this happens to me man. I seem to always misplace one thing or another hell yesterday it was my wallet as I drove up to pay the parking attendant I was WTF and looking for it as I sat in my car. The attendant just gave me this look, but I did find it deep in the hell pit that is my purse.
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