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They have been in first place before. It's just been a REALLY long time.


So hush.

That'd probably explain why it feels like the first time. They're probably in total shock, wondering what to do next.


"Duurrrr.. We're in first.. NOW WHAT? Last time our team was in first, I wasn't even born yet..."

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That'd probably explain why it feels like the first time. They're probably in total shock, wondering what to do next.


"Duurrrr.. We're in first.. NOW WHAT? Last time our team was in first, I wasn't even born yet..."

Ummm, actually they were in first in 1993 and went to the playoffs. I was two years old then. So B)

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Yeah? You and what army?

Well I'm not saying that it would be me who would kick your ass, but someone would.


Have a look-see. Our fans are notorious for kicking trash-talker's asses. (The word on the street is the guy was a Met's fan.)


And if you wanna get extra beat up, wear a Cowgirls jersey. :]

URL: http://www.youtube.com/v/f3KgJndRhEI
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