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I hate my school.

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I hate it hate it hate it HATE IT B) B) Everyone there is a butch. They think theyre so cooool and that theyre the best people to ever walk the planet. Everyone laughs at the popular peoples jokes just so theyll like them. Then they try to pick a fight with someone just to look tough. It's so screwing stupid!!! Theres constantly a screwing popularity contest and if you're weaker or not as popular then your a sad gay person. When your upset, or you need help with the work, or need to borrow a pencil they don't help but when a popular person asks for help they give them what they want + more

I hate everyone in my school. they all are shit.



Edit: whew, had to let that out. Sorry for the language lol :(

Edited by Quackster
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I'm sure it doesn't help that there are some there that aren't a part of any of the "popular" cliques, but yet they are treated with respect. It's like that in all schools. The problem comes when they are able to size you up as being a pushover.


Just keep note of those who do and don't help you when you ask for it. If someone helps, then if they ever need help, you give it to them. If they ask for help but refused it to you before, be obvious with your excuse about not helping them. "Uh, sorry, I'm helping someone else." When they point out that you're not helping someone else, just be like, "uhhhh ok you got me, really I just don't want to help you because..." and then tell them about the time you needed help and then they blew you off because you weren't popular. That way they realize that you're not going to kiss their ass just because they're part of a certain crowd.


Only drawback is that you will be considered a prime target of their bashings, so you'll either need to have a backbone and be ready to kick their asses (just a couple of them) so they'll know to respect you and leave you alone, or more likely for you, learn how to vanish until they give up on trying to get you.


If you can figure out how to not be considered a pushover from the beginning, then they'll likely treat you as though you're a part of the crowd enough that you can get help when you need it but otherwise leave you alone.


Of course, the alternative is to gather up those that are not a part of the crowd, and get enough of a following that when someone that's not "popular" is getting picked on or mistreated, then all the others come to the rescue. Since popular people prey on the weak, they will look for a new victim when the current one becomes too much of a challenge.

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Of course, the alternative is to gather up those that are not a part of the crowd, and get enough of a following that when someone that's not "popular" is getting picked on or mistreated, then all the others come to the rescue. Since popular people prey on the weak, they will look for a new victim when the current one becomes too much of a challenge.


Most of the 'unpopular' people still act as stupid as them but don't mix with them. Plus, how the heck am I supposed to gather them? I already know about 4 people who may pitch in, but the others will probably think this idea is gay and that I'm a saddo, or say no and tell everyone about it. Because their butches and can't tell the difference between a good idea and a sad idea.

Edited by Quackster
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It's not as simple as just walking up to them and being like "hey, wanna help save my ass?"


Gotta befriend them first. Those that you know will go for the idea, tell it to them upfront. Idea being that it'll form a small beginning unit. Then they can get those that they know will go for the idea to join up. Once there is enough in the group, then others who think it's stupid will rethink it when they find out how many people are already in on it.


Just make sure that you don't start acting like part of 'the crowd'. Basically, don't treat someone like crap if they aren't a part of 'the movement'. I assure you that as soon as they get picked on by 'the crowd', then if they are stood up for, they'll probably decide that it's not such a stupid idea after all and decide that they're in as well.



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Plus, like everyone treats them like gods, they would never try to defend others against them.
It can work, provided that you get enough into the idea and you also have some 'muscle' that joins up as well. The idea wouldn't be to form an 'anti crowd', because then that's the same as forming a crowd. The idea would be more to keep balance, so that those who don't want to be a part of a group are free to be who they are without being picked on for it. B)
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Who wants to see how horrible they were to my friend? B)



init lucy im wif u

y add people dat udnt no lol

haa haa haa

xx shanz xx

1 day ago





yoo neek yoo keep adding people yoo dunt no loner!!!!!!!




hahaha this is sooo funny everday yoo hav people on yuur sayin who tha screw r yoo lol!!!

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Sounds like those people have no lives. A quick wit might cure them.


"Are you that pathetic that you have to IM me randomly in an effort to insult me, when really you are just showing how lifeless you are because you are showing attention to someone that you consider to be beneath you?"


No matter what they say, they just got told and there's no recovering from that. If they continue on, then that's the time for the ignore button. "Look, it's obvious that I'm more important than you.. But unfortunately for your pathetic self, I don't have time for you. Bye bye! *blocks*"


Keeping an upbeat attitude in the IM will piss them off, and then they'll be spending lots of quality time fuming about it. Then when they try to show it in school, be like, "You'd think that someone as cool and popular as you would have better things to do than to try to harass me. Guess you're not as cool after all, eh?" Attacking their coolness factor like that sets them up, because then if they DON'T do something, then they're a pushover. If they DO do something, then they are basically confirming what was said - that they have nothing better to do. But wait, a true popular kid WOULD have something better to do.. Uh oh, their popularity is suddenly being challenged... B) Also has the benefit of their getting into trouble and having to serve time (in detention) with other non-popular kids. Which then works against them because it's like they want to hang out with them. B)

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1. Hmm. What to put here...


2. Yep, it is good.


3. I posted a reply comment imitating them going "hahaha yoor pathetic yoo have nothing better to do than try to insult someone" I'm not sure if I said it right, but whatever.


4. She was walking around, saw me, widened her eyes then the next day "TRAMP!!!!"

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4. So just ask her why she's calling you that, and then when she answers (probably loudly so others will hear) that she saw you at that store, be like, "But I saw you go in there so I went in to see why..."


That'll reverse it back on her in a way where she can't make it seem like you were shopping there but she wasn't.


Or something else that's snappy that makes it clear that in order to see you there, she had to be there too, and because she wanted to be there.

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