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I Hate Stupid People...

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Well, we all knew it was coming sooner or later...You're talking to someone whether it's a friend,a family member,a co-worker,or just some random idiot...and they say something sooo stupid you begin to think that the sun has burnt out and the world must be ending if they have gone though life without the pure stupidity melting all that exists.Here's a tasty tidbit, God loves stupid people.He put massive amounts on Earth for our humor,but sadly,there is a such thing as too stupid.These are the people that say stupid things at the wrong time and generally tend to piss people off by doing so.These are the people whose heads you want to bash into the pavement.Everyone has had an experience with one of these 2 types of people...So,let's hear it.B)
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Okay so my stupid rant is about all the stupid bosses of the world who think money buys everything. I'll give you fifty more cents per hour if you'll just take my verbal abuse. Nobody likes them but we all like to laugh at them because in the end they always get whats coming to them. Loss of business and other equally as bad stuff. So the next time your boss is a comlete jerk just think haha butthole you'll get yours soon.(I debated putting this one on work rants,but it was stupid people worthy.)
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when i think of stupid people to rant about i tend to think more about people who, perhaps in a line, turn to a disabled kids mom and complain about how slow the kid is, not realizing who they are talking to..


even better..

there's this girl i went to high school with who may qualify as one of the stupidest people on the planet. she once raised her hand in class and asked if the atomic bomb was a bomb. another time, when someone told her she was dumb, she objected, so the person asked her to spell dumb. she replied, "d-u-m."

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Some things stupid people do could make you mad or whatever, but whats the point of wasting your time on them? On them out of all people as well. So when I do meet stupid people, most of the time I let them be there normal selfs and let them make a fool out of themselves and just stand there and watch them. They won't get anywhere in life, so enjoy it while you can, instead of getting mad.
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