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Stupid guy's opinion on my driving

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I was at work a few days ago, and the maintenance man comes up to me and calls me my "nickname" which is "Boo Boo" for some reason. Anyway, he tells me that he was driving behind me the day before. The speed limit on that particular road is 50 mph, and I guess I was going a little under it. So he keeps telling me throughout the day that I drive like a grandma.


THAT pissed me off. That's pretty bad when I drive slightly under the speed limit and I get told I drive like a grandmother. I have a few reasons why I wasn't going the speed limit...


1.) It was a little after 3 pm, and there was a lot of traffic on all sides of me. I drive a 2006 Dodge Ram 1500, and they aren't the smallest of trucks. I wanted to give myself more time and room to slow down.

2.) I don't have to go as fast as I legally can all the time, stupid.


Just because I try to be cautious doesn't mean I drive like a grandma, idiot.

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  • 1 month later...
I was at work a few days ago, and the maintenance man comes up to me and calls me my "nickname" which is "Boo Boo" for some reason. Anyway, he tells me that he was driving behind me the day before. The speed limit on that particular road is 50 mph, and I guess I was going a little under it. So he keeps telling me throughout the day that I drive like a grandma.


THAT pissed me off. That's pretty bad when I drive slightly under the speed limit and I get told I drive like a grandmother. I have a few reasons why I wasn't going the speed limit...


1.) It was a little after 3 pm, and there was a lot of traffic on all sides of me. I drive a 2006 Dodge Ram 1500, and they aren't the smallest of trucks. I wanted to give myself more time and room to slow down.

2.) I don't have to go as fast as I legally can all the time, stupid.


Just because I try to be cautious doesn't mean I drive like a grandma, idiot.

There is a such thing as driving too slow or impeding the flow of traffic, but it's rare to get in trouble for that. If you were doing 45 in a 50, then that's usually fine so long as there are other lanes that people can get into and you're in the far right lane. From what I gather from your message, there were at least 3 lanes so it couldn't have been that big of a deal.


He may have just been trying to tease you to be funny. But if he was saying it to mean it like if he was irked at you, then just ignore the clod. Just remember this, I've never heard of someone getting pulled for exceeding the speed limit when they were driving under it.

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