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You know it's cold outside when...

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You know it's cold outside when... you sneeze and the sneeze droplets freeze in midair


You know it's cold outside when... you're taking a leak behind a bush and yellow ice is hitting the ground.


You know it's cold outside when... there's a fog warning everytime a dog leaves a brown treasure in the neighborhood


You know it's cold outside when... you got frost bite if you're outside for more than 3 minutes.


You know it's cold outside when... penguins shiver and look for a warm place to stay.


You know it's cold outside when... trees shatter when slightly moved.


You know it's cold outside when... you take a cup of hot chocolate outside and you come back in a minute later with a chocolate popsicle


You know it's cold outside when... the batmobile's jet engine freezes while driving down the highway.


You know it's cold outside when... smokers suffer withdrawal because their cigarettes keep going out.


You know it's cold outside when... you take a lit candle outside and the flame suddenly goes out... and it's not because of a breeze.


You know it's cold outside when... even the U.S. Postal Service won't deliver.


You know it's cold outside when... someone from Florida steps outside for less than a minute and then suffers PTSD for the rest of their life.


You know it's cold outside when... clouds fall to the ground and cause massive amounts of damage.

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