what should happen to him. he's rich so nothing will. for us normal people if we did that, we would go to jail. for super stars they have enough money to get away from things. the justice system isnt fair. i say w.e. the crime was, let em suffer that same way. yea let em get in a ring and let the pit bulls tear em up. if he continues to do it, more people would be N-Raged and will start fighting back. get some one who is such a strong animal lover, yea i think they would actually try n kill em, even if they get sentenced to life. how do i no the dogs arent enjoying. hell if i no, im not a dog, but i no they have feelings to just like us humans and when hurt, they cry out in pain. the videos i have seen all u hear is pain and howling. if that sounds like there enjoying it, then ill just let u think they r.