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Everything posted by Amanda

  1. At least you don't have to listen to a bunch of loud ass 9th graders on the bus at 7 am. It really isn't the best way to start your day. Man I can't wait till I get my license in December so I don't have to ride the damn bus anymore.
  2. YOU'RE A FREAK AND... The ones that they had last week were 10 times harder than this, no lie. I think they got rid of the crazy ones. http://img463.imageshack.us/img463/6706/untitledaf4.jpg
  3. I'll show you what it looks like if I can find a hard one. Hold up.
  4. No, they don't lol. They need to chillax and make them easier to read so I don't have to spend half my life trying to figure out if it's T OR AN F!
  5. Oh okay well they don't have to make them freaking impossible.
  6. Yeah, I'm talking about the images with the codes.
  7. Don't they use them to make sure you're the one on the computer or something?
  8. Damn you, Wolf. You're supposed to keep my identity a secret!
  9. Omg, those things annoy the heck outta me. Especially the ones on Myspace because they are like impossible to figure out. On there, they put like letters and numbers on top of each other so are you like squinting your eyes trying to figure out what it is. It took me 10 tries to get passed it one time.
  10. OOOOH HI!! I saw a lot of your posts. I think. lol. You had that purple bunny avatar I think.... But wait, how did you know who I was. DID WOLF LET THE CAT OUTTA THE BAG?
  11. You knew me on TTC? What was your user on there?
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