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Everything posted by Amanda

  1. well then that's the parents job to determine if they want their child to hear/see it. sorry but the first amendment trumps all. (for us u.s. ppl) last time i checked, if you don't find something appropriate/get offended by/don't like something then that is just too damn bad.
  2. yup my parents were the same way. i was probably hearing curse words the day i was born. i know i curse a lot (as you can tell) but i think i turned out okay. besides, i only curse when i'm around ppl who i know will not get pissed off or say shit to me. but ppl need to seriously lighten up about it. if you are gonna throw a hissy fit over a bad word on a magazine cover, you need some help. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T LOOK AT IT!!
  3. ugh, i'm getting so sick of hearing about her. i wish the media would do us all a favor and leave her alone. she's stupid, irresponsible, etc, we get it. i understand it's freedom of speech, but cmon now, give it a rest. (directed towards the media, not the OP lol)
  4. someone has too much time on their hands. : o (not refering to you, wolfie.)
  5. Hmm, I didn't notice that before but you're right. If this is what he's doing after a small election, I'm wondering what his plans are for the day after the pres. election and the days before he gets his monkey ass outta office.
  6. i don't see why they are even called curse words anyway. they are just words, who gives a shit. if the words weren't labeled as being"SO BAD!!!!" to use, people wouldn't use them as much. and they definately wouldn't be on the cover of a magazine. it's like you know you shouldn't use them, but since you aren't supposed to, you are going to want to use them anyway. off-topicness, but w/e.
  7. we got report cards today. and because of my 79 in physics, ($#%$#^@^@) i didn't make honor roll. my parents are gonna be pissed. so if you don't see me for a few days after tonight you'll know why. (not that anybody cares anyway lol) grrr i'm madddd.
  8. cuz biology is the study of life and frogs are living. plus i disected a frog in bio. Lakes.
  9. nothing that i feel like discussing here. it never turns out good. so nvm.
  10. Try and sue Dish Network maybe? What's the statute of limitations on money, 7 years?
  11. You know that's weird because the same thing happened to my mom, TWICE with dish network. It happened the seocnd time about 3 weeks ago. She had to get the police to come out and file a report because the Dish Network ppl kept using her SS number to set up new accounts for ppl.
  12. you will probably not get a break anytime soon. considering the fact that the amount of homework and the level of difficulty goes up each year. have fun! but i feel your pain. i used to get 6-8 hours of hw a night. (including weekends)
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