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Everything posted by Amanda

  1. sounds like doing laundry sucks.
  2. You could threaten the garbage people and make them give you a new one a.s.a.p. Tell them that if they don't give you a new trashcan fast, you are going to dump all of your grabage onto their property I guess? Or area, whatever. Worked for my mom, she got a new trashcan in like a day. And I thought it was funny because according to wolf, I don't have a "good sense of humor"
  3. okay I get it now. gracias senor wolf.
  4. very funny.... now does everyone see how he starts with me? doctor.
  5. why did it have to be a jewish lady. >_< and I don't get the joke lol..
  6. which amanda are you talking about? supernatural
  7. False. but I did have party cake ice creammm. the person underneath lives next to an annoying person.
  8. aww that was so pretty. I love FF, it kicks ass.
  9. aww sorry! I must have missed it. I feel bad lol.
  10. Ramen isn't so bad lol. But I hear ya. I've had my fair share of shitty meals. :/
  11. happy bday hope you have/had a great day. :] I'm kinda late since I just noticed it lol.
  12. !?!?!? i'm not a nag... and wtf are you talking about lol
  13. lol yeah. I had sexy there but I changed it. whipped.
  14. not lying... and False! (at least I think I'm not) The person underneath is afraid of heights.
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