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Status Updates posted by Capricious

  1. - Is hanging out with Doe and Rachel, can't wait until tomorrow. :)
  2. - A coma might feel better than this.
  3. - My dreeeeams are all dead and buried.
  4. "I used my phone as a flash light to find my phone... Again..." My boyfriend is such a blonde.
  5. - Wish I had dental insurance about now. My teeth are beyond disgusting at this point, which is why I don't smile. ):
  6. - The god of war, destroyer of all in his reign. Legion's the name called by the toll of bell.
  7. - Next post that I see about someone getting shitfaced or toking it up is getting deleted, along with the poster him or herself. You cannot fathom the immensity of the screw that I do not give about it.
  8. is out to lunch with her daddy. :) <3
  9. is downloading For Those Who Have Heart, because some skank never gave my copy back.
  10. - Sorry to say, and don't hate me, but uh.. I REALLY dislike Suicide Silence. Just thought you should know that.
  11. - I've found my meshuggah shirt. Huzzah!
  12. - i think i might just sleep outside tonight. Hm..
  13. - None of the finest makeup or plastic surgery could make you pretty, girl. You've got one hell of an ugly personality.
  14. is going to sleep for pretty much the first time in three days. Goodnight world.
  15. Happy valentine's day, eh? So far all i've gotten is a speeing ticket. <
  16. - Who in their right mind would get a 17 year old a new camaro? -sigh-
  17. My Mastodon hoodie is ruined. Stupid pitbulls..
  18. would really like to have friends that aren't so needy for once. That'd be so nice.
    1. Wolfie


      They keep needing you to scare vicious dogs away eh?
  19. 195,000 miles.. Man, James.. you really get around.
  20. - totally surprised to hear finch on the radio.
  21. - i hate it when people anger me so much that i feel sick.
  22. Damn you, facebook. I don't want the new profile, I don't want people to know my "story".. Argh.
  23. - is seriously about to freak out. -.-
  24. is a proud grammar Nazi.
  25. - Is getting knocked up the new fad? Because it's pretty lame if you ask me.
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