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Status Updates posted by Capricious

  1. Well, I went into my room and got attacked by a squeakers. Guess I can't trust furry things in the dark anymore. Side note, MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU ALL. (:
  2. - i'll keep my hand on your chest until they tear you away from me..
  3. - I don't think i've ever been as worried as I am right now.. please, just let this night end already.
  4. - Now i'm starting to remember why I left home in the first place.. better than being homeless though. =\
  5. - All I wanna do is trade this life for something new.
  6. "Don't touch me there, you're not my uncle!" Heh.. it's funny what I find when I dig through my old concert stuff. Good times, they went by too fast.
  7. - Meh. I believe winter and I are in a love/hate relationship. Tired of the constant sickness and high fevers. Bleh. lol
  9. has a feeling that today will be the best day that she's had in a while. :)
  10. - I think that i've made a bad decision, i'm just not sure yet.
  11. - I've had enough of the world, and its people's mindless games.
  12. I'm bored. Describe me in one word. :D
  13. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! :)
  14. - Searching for the calm, lost within the storm.
  15. - i swear i'll go crazy if i have to stay in this house for one more day.
  16. is thinking about deleting this account. May be a hypocrite since i'm complaining, but all I ever see anymore is someone butching about every little insignificant inconvenience in their life. Be positive for once in your life, ugh.
    1. Wolfie


      The point of this site is to get it off your chest, out of your system, etc, so that you vent it and can feel better.
  17. can't wait until tomorrow. ^_^
  18. - You're not a beautiful or unique snowflake, you're the same decaying organic matter as everything else.
  19. - I will create as I speak.
  20. - "If you look up my skirt again, i'll take the hat off of your head and so god help you, I will piss in it." haha
  21. - So i'm looking for a serious, committed relationship and no one is interested in that around here.. I think I need to get away from Missouri for a while, because this is disappointing.
    1. Ike
    2. Wolfie


      If you want committed, then register at a psych ward.
  22. - My god has a hammer, yours was nailed to a cross. Any questions?
    1. Wolfie


      My god can kick your gods ass. So there.
  23. I really think that Tetrisphere had some of the coolest tunes out of any Nin64 games.
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