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Small update


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Just a small update on things that have been done here at N*Raged

  • Added more games. Be sure to check them out! *SPECIAL* For the game Sim Lemonade, for every 100 points you earn, you earn 1 N*Buck. Minimum is 500 points (5 N*Bucks). This means that if you earn 10,000 game points, you get 100 N*Bucks. Each $1 in the game is 1 point, so it's not that hard.
  • The forum area for the groups has been modified. You must be a member of a group in order to see that groups forum. This is so that people can make groups and keep them and their posts private.
  • A new forum has been added, N*Poets Society. I'll let you guess what goes in there.
  • The N*Buck rewards for posting has been changed. For those areas you get N*Bucks for posting in, you will now get more per post. Some areas give more than others.
  • Go to N*Bucks and look at the bottom left. There is now a lotto feature. Pay 100 N*Bucks and you could win the jackpot. The more people who play, the more there is to win. However, the less chance of winning.

Since this site can't prosper without it's members, N*Raged would like to know what would you like that would have you coming back for more? What would you like to talk about? Games to play? Anything else?


For a limited time*, those who post a reply to this message will get 250 N*Bucks.

* Expires Sept 1st, 2007 at 11:59PM eastern time. Post subject to review before reward is given.

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Since this site can't prosper without it's members, N*Raged would like to know what would you like that would have you coming back for more? What would you like to talk about? Games to play? Anything else?


For a limited time*, those who post a reply to this message will get 250 N*Bucks.

* Expires Sept 1st, 2007 at 11:59PM eastern time. Post subject to review before reward is given.

To a certain someone *coughGingerSnapscough*

This doesn't include removing the cost of the arcade games..

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