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What Annoys You Most?

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  Wolfie said:
It really annoys me when people draw blanks.




Oh hush. B)



  eva said:
i also can't stand when people say "that's gay" or "that's retarded," especially when they're people who insist they stand up for people who aren't "normal."


I know someone that used to say that all the time. One phrase you could often hear from him was "That's King Gay"

Though I can't say that he stood up for people that swing that way

Edited by Lady Night Owl
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People who don't like babies annoy me. It's really obonoxious when you're trying to change the child's diaper and after you come out of the restroom and people give you horrible looks because your child dared to cry. I just want to look at them and be like, "If you have a problem with it, don't go out in public!"

People who think it's okay to come up and touch my baby.

And the one that annoys me most...

STUPID PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  fluffyrat said:
People who don't like babies annoy me. It's really obonoxious when you're trying to change the child's diaper and after you come out of the restroom and people give you horrible looks because your child dared to cry. I just want to look at them and be like, "If you have a problem with it, don't go out in public!"

There's the other thing to consider though...


There are many parents who will be out in public with a screaming kid and aren't doing anything about it to the extent that it's disruptive for everyone. Those parents who make no effort to have any control over their kid, which is a bad thing because later in life, it'll come back to bite them in the ass when their kid(s) are completely out of control.


For example, if I'm at a movie and someone has a baby with them, as soon as that baby starts crying and it's obvious that it's going to take more than a few seconds to get the baby to be quiet, they need to leave the movie and tend to their child, instead of sitting there, bouncing their baby in their lap trying to force feed their kid when it's obvious that the baby isn't hungry because they keep pushing the bottle away and even worse where there's some sort of odor becoming obvious.


Not saying that you're one of those parents Amanda, just that people have gotten used to those sort of parents so when there's a hint of it, people start giving those mean looks. It's not deserved when you're doing the best you can to tend to your child while being respectful to others as well.


Just something to keep in mind when you see them giving the evil looks. Now if you're doing everything you can to tend to your child and not show disrespect to others and then someone is still giving you an evil look... Thats when you should look straight at them and be like, "Excuse me but do you have a problem?" They'll either realize that they're being rude and apologize (or at least back off with their ignorant look), or they'll make a comment where you can rip them a new one by telling them that you're not like other parents who'll just let their child cry for hours at a time, so they should be grateful that you're a responsible parent instead of being an ass towards you.



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Yah, no he's just the kind of kid who screams from the time the onsie gets pulled up until it's closed back and he has his socks back on. Then, pick him up and he's perfectly happy. I was at Cold Stone about a month ago and this happened. I came out of the bathroom and this girl, about 16, was just looking at me like I had no right to even be there.

Oh, I also hate stupid teenagers who weigh like 6 pounds and think they're fat. OMG buy a FREAKING mirror!

Oh, and it annoys me that my husband won't change a diaper.

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Won't or can't?


If he goes to try but then the smell has his ass knocked out on the floor, then it's just because he's a guy and guys can't handle the potency of the odor that babies make in their diapers.



Next time a teen girl is looking at you like you don't have the right to be somewhere, look at her and be like, "So how many kids do you have?" When she says none, be like, "Oh.. You had that look like you knew how to be a better mom than me, so you must have been mistaken."


B) I love being a smartass B)

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As far as kids are concerned I will never have one and so happy my fiance feels the same way. Children are not for me anyways I agree with Wolfie take your brat out of the movie theater geez man I paid my hard earned money to watch the movie and not your brat. I hate brats and parents who do NOTHING to discipline their kids. Now as far as a mom changing her babies diaper in the restroom and the baby is crying for me it is no big deal. I always look at the baby see WTH is going on in case of abuse, but I usually smile and walk on in. I feel for the mom struggling with her cranky baby and icky poop etc.... So glad that will never be me though. B)
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