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Stupid Teachers

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Have you ever met a stupid teacher who jumps to conclusions?

I had a 1 hour detention from my French teacher once, and I hadn't got the detention slip. I didn't want to get a Saturday 3 hour detention for not going to it when I never got the slip. So my friend had a 30 minute detention with her, and so I went with them and I asked her about my detention slip. Heres what happened:


ME: I didn't get the 1 hour detention slip.


TEACHER: You what? This is a 30 minute detention what are you doing here?


ME: I have a one hour detention with you, miss, and I haven't got the slip.


TEACHER: What? Go and sit down.


ME: No this isn't my detention I'm just asking for the slip.


TEACHER: (she finally gets it) What did I give you detention for?


ME: Forgetting my homework twice and being late.


TEACHER: I forgot about your detention, and it's almost half term. I'll give it to you after half term.


ME: Ok. (leaves)


I never did get the detention slip. Stupid woman. B)

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in second grade, as the token jew, i was helping my mom give a presentation about hanukkah. the teacher asked me to go to the map and point out where israel was in europe. if you don't know what's wrong with that, go look at a map.

the same teacher, during a parent teacher conference, told my mom that she was giving me a b in math because she didn't want me to become a perfectionist.

i've run across some pretty stupid teachers, but i'm pretty sure she still holds the title for me.

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  eva said:
the same teacher, during a parent teacher conference, told my mom that she was giving me a b in math because she didn't want me to become a perfectionist.
Ok that's pretty stupid. That's like not giving someone the full product they paid for on purpose just to lower the buyers expectations. Sorry but I paid for that steak, I want the entire steak, not just the packaging it comes in.
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I once had a teacher(Whom is the one of 2 people that I have ever truly hated) who wouldn't allow us to drink anything orange in her classroom.Just orange stuff, you could have a coke,a sprite,a Mt.Dew, or whatever,but if you walked into her class with a Sunkist,she flipped out"You're not allowed to drink anything orange in this classroom.You need to put that on my desk." I think she was allergic to orange or something.Lol.
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i had another teacher who was "allergic" to both gum and chalk. of course, as she was one of the butchiest teachers in the school, everyone loved trying to chew gum in her class. she taught mostly sciences, and she'd have her chemistry classes write companies and ask how they made products (like nail polish, lip gloss..) well, a couple boys decided to write a bubble gum company. the company sent the boys some free gum, which they never claimed, leaving the teacher with a gift she really enjoyed. obviously she wasn't really allergic or something probably would've happened from opening the package.. whatever.

anyway, because of the so-called chalk allergy, she used an overhead projector to do exercises in class. she was constantly licking her fingers and wiping the ink off of the screen. one day, she managed to smear the blue ink all over her forehead. i sat with a good friend, who was quite the prankster, especially in that class (he once went as far as asking this teacher to marry him,) and he kept telling her that she "had blue stuff all over her face." she refused to even check a mirror because she thought he was joking around, and everyone in the class was laughing behind her back the rest of the period. i'm sure she felt great the next time she saw her reflection.

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I have good relationships with most of my teachers, but they have either taught me in years gone by or taught my family so I dont really have any complaints B)


once in primary however...


I had taken a fortnight off school in June for a holiday, when I returned my new teacher told me I needed to catch up, however she waited until the october break before she gave me the homework/catch-up sheets.

So I was 11 years old with a fortnights worth of sheets to do on my october holiday, and I didn't even know what I was to do!?

She was my least favourite teacher. She had very little patience and didn't like children.... I suggest a change in carreer? o_O

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Yes a change of career sounds good for her XD

We had this evil teacher who would complain and complain.. It would be like this:


ME: Sorry miss I forgot my book/sheet/homework


TEACHER: Why are you so disorganized? Ask your mummy to help you.


ME: I don't understand what to do.


TEACHER: You don't understand? All you have to do is add what x means to y, what's so hard about that?

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i had a teacher in high school who was nowhere near stupid, in fact she was probably the best teacher i ever had, but she had really ridiculous rules. she wouldn't let us write papers outside of class because she was convinced our parents would help us, so we were given a 45 minute class period to type a 3 page paper, and usually the next day we could go back and revise the paper (this has been pretty helpful with the whole procrastination thing in college haha) but if you missed a day when we were writing, it sucked ass. you had to go in during tutorial and type in her room in front of her. tutorial is a 20 minute period before school starts, but this was the only teacher who really required students to come in and talk to her then if they missed class, so there was always a huge line, and you had to sign in to talk to her. i ended up spending a week in there typing every morning before i finished the paper. i made sure never to miss a paper writing day again.
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