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What REALLY gets on my nerves is being COMPLETELY overcharged for the things in life that we'd have a VERY difficult time living without, or even CAN'T live without.


For example:


Milk-$4.19/gallon (THAT'S at Wal Mart! Supermarkets are nearly $5 now!)

Specialty Infant Formula-$25/1lb. can of powder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (TOTALLY taking advantage of customer having no other option!)

Boneless Chicken Breast-$4.19/lb (I know for a FACT it's as little as $2.19/lb at d/c supermarkets. I won't compare to the commisary as they do NOT have to show a profit.)


So...the point of this thread is to vent about things being COMPLETELY overpriced. (Don't complain about the housing market as that's not big companies.) So, add what you're angry about on here. Have FUN! lol

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I work at a Supermarket. So one day I was going out to this lady's car while helping her with her groceries. So, we were talking about the store as we were walking since it's brand new. And she said to me some things are a little over priced. So I said "like what"? She said they were charging $5 for syrup. I didn't believe her when she said it, so after I was done helping her, I went back inside to check the price, and sure enough it was $5. Dude, like a little while ago it was like $2.50-$3. I think 5 bucks is a lot of money for something that would only take like 40 cents to make. (estimation, I have no idea how much it costs)


That's the only thing I can think of right now that is overpriced lol.

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For example:


Milk-$4.19/gallon (THAT'S at Wal Mart! Supermarkets are nearly $5 now!)

You got us beat by 2¢/gallon on the gas. Here, when I go to Kroger, I look for the discounted milk (happens semi frequently, when the sell by date is near). Around here, 1% is about $4.09, don't know about the whole milk though, which I'm sure is what you're getting because of your baby.




Boneless Chicken Breast-$4.19/lb (I know for a FACT it's as little as $2.19/lb at d/c supermarkets. I won't compare to the commisary as they do NOT have to show a profit.)

Why does it have to be boneless or even breast? Not saying you are wrong to buy it, just that boneless is going to be a tad more expensive, same with choosing breast meat. Just something to consider if it being boneless breast is by choice and not necessity.

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You got us beat by 2¢/gallon on the gas. Here, when I go to Kroger, I look for the discounted milk (happens semi frequently, when the sell by date is near). Around here, 1% is about $4.09, don't know about the whole milk though, which I'm sure is what you're getting because of your baby.

Why does it have to be boneless or even breast? Not saying you are wrong to buy it, just that boneless is going to be a tad more expensive, same with choosing breast meat. Just something to consider if it being boneless breast is by choice and not necessity.


We use 1% milk. Even if it were okay to give infants cow's milk Landon couldn't have it b/c he's intolerant to the protein. He also can't have soy. What a PAIN in the butt! Hopefully he'll outgrow all that though.


As far as boneless chicken breast, it's the ONLY thing my husband eats, lol. I try to buy thighs and he pouts. He says he'll eat anything. That's true, as long as it's CHICKEN! Actually, I've gotten fish in him on occasion, but beef...nope. He'll eat the rare taco, but usually w/ ground turkey.

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I hear that!


Fortunately, for me, when my son was just born - up until he was about 2 (I could've used it until he was 5) - I used WIC. I don't know if you have this by you. This covered formula (not specialty - but he didn't need that), milk, eggs, cheese, juice, peanut butter and cereal (both infant and other brands). Of course, mostly everything was store brand or "approved" brands. But it still helped when you consider what you're spending on diapers & healthcare among other things. Even if your child can't yet have the things you can buy with WIC, it's still healthy for you.


The way WIC works is you go there with your child, get evaluated (weight, etc.) answer some questions about your income, etc. and every month they print out a stack of checks. Each check has a list of what you are supposed to purchase - like one week 32 oz. box of cereal, 1 gallon Milk and the next week it would list cheese, peanut butter and juice. If your child is an infant (as mine was at the time), it would list however much formula you could get (I believe Good Start was one of the approved brands and my son did well with that).


Don't get me started on GAS! It's ridiculous what they charge around here. When Hurricane Katrina blew in, the prices skyrocketed (and I'm in the Northeast - nowhere near the areas that were hit). If I'm not mistaken, a lot of gas companies got in trouble for 'gouging'.

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Bush in his infinite 'wisdom' is the reason prices are so high.


During a time of war, the economy is supposed to get a lot better, and so far the economy has gotten worse. That means that he's screwing up, and I doubt that all of it is accidental. He could have capped the prices of gas and helped out the fellow Americans, but instead of let it go. My guess is to help his buddies who own the oil companies.


Price of gas goes up, that shoots the price of milk up because the companies are gonna pass the cost onto the consumer.


It's scary to think that we may be heading for another depression. Not quite as bad as the Great Depression, but one where there is a huge slump, all because Bush doesn't give a shit about the people that he tricked and lied to in order to get their votes so he could try to play God.


By the way, I'm anti-Bush, in case you didn't already figure that out.

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I hear that!


Fortunately, for me, when my son was just born - up until he was about 2 (I could've used it until he was 5) - I used WIC. I don't know if you have this by you. This covered formula (not specialty - but he didn't need that), milk, eggs, cheese, juice, peanut butter and cereal (both infant and other brands). Of course, mostly everything was store brand or "approved" brands. But it still helped when you consider what you're spending on diapers & healthcare among other things. Even if your child can't yet have the things you can buy with WIC, it's still healthy for you.


The way WIC works is you go there with your child, get evaluated (weight, etc.) answer some questions about your income, etc. and every month they print out a stack of checks. Each check has a list of what you are supposed to purchase - like one week 32 oz. box of cereal, 1 gallon Milk and the next week it would list cheese, peanut butter and juice. If your child is an infant (as mine was at the time), it would list however much formula you could get (I believe Good Start was one of the approved brands and my son did well with that).


Don't get me started on GAS! It's ridiculous what they charge around here. When Hurricane Katrina blew in, the prices skyrocketed (and I'm in the Northeast - nowhere near the areas that were hit). If I'm not mistaken, a lot of gas companies got in trouble for 'gouging'.


Unfortunately, I know all too well about WIC and that we do NOT qualify. We need for my husband to make less or we'd have to have 2 more dependents. Wanna move in? lol My sister qualifies and they do pay for the specialty formulas as her son can't have the protein either. They don't cover enough for a whole month, but some is better than none. For me though, it's bi-weekly trips to Babies R Us. That's the cheapest place I've found it. It's $5 for a 13oz can of concentrate. That's still outrageous, but beats the heck out of $8! We can't use the powder as it constipates him, and of course, he was a preemie so 13oz doesn't REALLY make 26oz of formula for us b/c he needs extra calories. Aren't I just the LUCKIEST person EVER? lol Yes, I would SO love to be able to use GoodStart (or even better, Parent's Choice Gentle) but they're not hypo-allergenic and I just don't feel like revisiting the days of formula on the walls, lol.

Tricare doesn't cover the formula either as it's not prescription and the dr can't help w/ samples b/c the powder causes problems. I guess that makes ebay my best friend, lol. TOTALLY unfair for someone who wasn't going to formula feed to begin with.

Oh yeah, how about...entertainment!?

Movies- $9.50!

Bowling-$6.00/game!!!!!! (for EACH person) (I WORK in a bowling center and think that's ridiculous)

Batting Cages- $1/token for 6 balls

Amusement Parks- $50/ticket + $10 to park! ($15 for preferred)


All right, I'm okay now B)

Edited by fluffyrat
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Gas is $2.65 here. =x


It's been going down from like $2.98, which I think that's what it was about 2-3 months ago.


Last time I checked, milk was $4.35 (at Wawa). I don't know how much it is in the supermarket, but it's probably like 5 bucks.


By the way, I'm anti-Bush, in case you didn't already figure that out.

Well you votED for him, lol.

Edited by Amanda
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I don't remember if I voted for him or not, simply because I don't remember if I voted that year. If I did vote, then it was for him. Of course, I learned within a few days how huge of a mistake that was. Not that my one vote was the deciding vote or anything, but still, it's the principle of it.


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The cost of healthcare and pharmaceuticals is insane!


My medicine alone (without insurance) is approx. $170.00 a month.


Depending on the insurance, the co-pay is about $40 (due to there being 2 bottles - one is 400 mg tablets and the other is 200 mg tablets)


At one place where I worked, I was paying over $100 per week - this is WITHOUT my child being on the plan. With him was well over that.

While I was at this same place, the provider was horrible - didn't pay the bills so alot of employees were getting notices from debt collectors.


Many companies don't even offer dental coverage and if they do, it only covers about $1,000 per year, per person. This might be fine for your Average Joe that doesn't need to take medicine that eventually makes the teeth weak. I needed a few crowns - and it's over $1,000 for one! Maybe it's just my dentist, but every dentist I've gone to is quite expensive.

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I'll have to dig out the e-mail a friend sent me about the percentage of markup on prescription drugs and post it. There are literally drugs that are marked up 600,000%!!!!!!! Anyway, they're cheaper at Cosco. That makes me SOOOOOOO glad for Tricare. All of our prescriptions, with the exception of a handful of non-formularies, which you can get around them even being prescribed, are free. The dental coverage isn't too hot though. I think it's like $1000/year max. Oh well, you can't beat free health care & free drugs.
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