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Why do they make you wait

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I mean do ya have to die in the US before you see a freakin' doctor. I can not see my doctor till Tuesday like at 5:00pm give me a break man. I called his office up yesterday and I am telling the woman who answered the phone that I need to see the doctor asap due to the pain in my throat. She tells me the only day he has open is Tuesday the 9th. Again I ask for an earlier day like biotch I have strep throat and I get the you will have to go to the ER if the pain persists. AAAAAAHHHHHH screw it. I am not going into a rant on how I think the US sucks with health care hell man we have the insurance seems nobody gives a shit.


Rant over ......... B)

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If you have a good relationship with your doctor, then you might try getting in touch with them directly. Either that or make sure that your doctor has instructions on your account that you can get squeezed in and to not brush you off like that.


I know that when I need to see my doctor (I have 2 that I see, actually), but anytime that I have an important reason to go, I either get in the same day or the next, and both have rather difficult schedules. If I can't get in to see one (sort of my primary), then I always make a call to the other and can get squeezed in.



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As for the US sucking ass in so many ways ya know it does hell man just look at the fool we have in office, our health care stinks if people do not see this man they need to get their heads outta the sand and pronto ....... anyhoo Yeah it is all good in my hood saw him the day I started this thread and the chick at the front desk got ripped a new one by the doc coolio man plus he did NOT charge me for the office visit. SWEET!!! My doc rocks. Edited by BONES
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Wolfie ya know there is NO LOVE lost with how I feel about Bush. :o :P ;)


I have friends that live in the UK and yeah they tell me that the health care there is awesome yep US stinks.

Still, don't be kind to the idiot by insulting the word "fool".


Heck, for him to be a fool would be an improvement.


*anti Bush*

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^ Not in the mood to repeat myself anyways just a little:


As for the US sucking ass in so many ways ya know it does hell man just look at the fool we have in office, our health care stinks just for starters ....... if people do not see how this country stinks they need to get their heads outta the sand and pronto ....... Do not get me started on how the jackass has freakin' screwed up the US him and his pal Dick PLEASE !!! I have family members in this lame lie of a war oh enough :o




It is Friday and I am in a great mood and want to stay that way. ;)


The stupid chick at my docs front desk did the screwing up NOT my doc ...... it is what it is :P Just seems in other countries you need to see your doctor your in asap unlike in crap ass AMERICA!

Edited by BONES
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