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I HATE my neighborhood!


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I just want to move. Somebody STOLE my trashcan today. What the HELL!? It's not the first time either. Someone stole it like 2 months ago. I'm so pissed off. What am I supposed to do now when my indoor trashcans get full? I can't exactly let poopie diapers sit around my house. I have to call the police and file a report so the city will replace my can. Geez, i HATE my neighborhood!
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You should throw the poopied diapers into a separate bag and then when that fills, put it into the big can, but do NOT close the bag up. That way if someone steals the can again, they'll have the massive stench to deal with. That should discourage them from stealing your can in the future.
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You should throw the poopied diapers into a separate bag and then when that fills, put it into the big can, but do NOT close the bag up. That way if someone steals the can again, they'll have the massive stench to deal with. That should discourage them from stealing your can in the future.


Yeah, PROBLEM! I don't have a trashcan anymore. *sigh* People are MEAN!

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I meant when you get a new one, to do that. Also, make sure that when trash day is approaching, that you keep a few 'bonus' diapers on hand, then right after the garbage men come, you toss the diapers in there. That way, it's got the constant aroma to it, just in case they want to steal an empty can. :P
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You could threaten the garbage people and make them give you a new one a.s.a.p. Tell them that if they don't give you a new trashcan fast, you are going to dump all of your grabage onto their property I guess? Or area, whatever. Worked for my mom, she got a new trashcan in like a day.


And I thought it was funny because according to wolf, I don't have a "good sense of humor"

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