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So, in school today at break I went to get some food in our cafeteria (yes they sell stuff at break) I put my bag on the racks outside (Since theres some weird policy about taking bags in) and went in. When I came back, I grabbed my bag, not knowing what happened. Then after break I went into class, opened my bag and found my pencil case full of colouring pens/pencils was gone. :D They aren't all that special. Yeah, they were cool, and yeah I have to go back into the big shopping place ages away again to buy some more, but seriously it isn't a big deal. The big deal here is that there are idiots going around, looking in peoples bag and taking whatever they please. I mean, hello?! I'm not some giveaway person here. Those are MY things, I bought them, I used them, they shouldn't be stolen. I blame my shitty school and the parents. :D
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I'd report it to the staff. True, they may not be able to do anything about what has happened, but if it's happening to others, then perhaps the staff can be more alert to what other students are doing, and catch someone in the act. Could be an isolated incident, could be that you thought you had them but really lost them somewhere else, or could be that it's something that's on going and the more they hear about it, the more likely they are to be able to figure out who's doing it.
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1. You have to get your own padlock for your locker.


2. Knowing me, I would forget to go get my bag afterwards.


3. Again, knowing me, I'd probably lose the key.


4. I can't rewind and go back to when I was going to the cafeteria, so I just got deal. :D


How sad. If you're worried about losing the key, get a combination lock? I'm sorry your stuff got stolen. It sucks. I know how you feel...my trash is really piling up, LOL!

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I would just put the trash bags out where the cans are supposed to be, and if they garbage people give you any crap about it, then give them crap back and tell them that it's not your fault someone stole your can, and also isn't your fault that a replacement one hasn't been provided to you yet. Also that if they don't like it, then they can push for your replacement can to be delivered a.s.a.p.
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I would just put the trash bags out where the cans are supposed to be, and if they garbage people give you any crap about it, then give them crap back and tell them that it's not your fault someone stole your can, and also isn't your fault that a replacement one hasn't been provided to you yet. Also that if they don't like it, then they can push for your replacement can to be delivered a.s.a.p.


Yeah, maybe I'll just steal someone else's, LOL! j/k

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