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please take your religion out of my throat

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i'm really sick of people trying to shove their beliefs down my throat. as one of very few jews in a small town full of fundamentalist christians, i've had to deal with it most of my life. the first incident i remember was in 4th grade, when this girl came up to me and said, "i want to die before you." when i asked what she was going on about, i found out it was because she was told i was going to hell for not believing in jesus. i told her i couldn't go to a place i didn't believe in.

that was the kind of stuff i dealt with until high school, when the real converters started to kick in. i had a kid in a couple classes who just couldn't fathom that i was happy with my religion. he even went as far as saying i'd understand an assignment more if i converted. we got little messages on our lockers around christmas time stating, "jesus is the reason for the season," and i was thrilled to watch one of the most religious people i know rip them down, screaming that she'd never force her beliefs on another person. then, there's the door to door jesus man. i've had two encounters with him, and he reminds me of some creepy creature out of buffy the vampire slayer. seriously. he has these piercing blue eyes, and he just stares you down. the first time it was, "do you ever wonder what happens to your loved ones when they die?" and the second time i got "have you heard about the apocalypse?" i wouldn't have minded as much had he stopped after i stated that i had a religion and that i was very happy with it. i ended up slamming the door in his face. i guess the real issue i have is that if these people are so in love with their religions, why aren't they doing what they preach instead of trying to get other people to do it? i mean, they could be out building homes for the homeless or feeding the hungry... you know, something that actually would be productive, but it seems like they're more interested in how many people they can convert. it's like they think god keeps tally and every time you convert something it's one more point on your way to heaven. i'd think god would be more interested in what you did to actually help the needy, no matter what their religious beliefs were.

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Read the bolded part below (#4)


Source: http://www.craigslist.org/about/best/sfo/153955557.html


Oh Yeah, About these Personal ads? WTF?

Date: 2006-04-23, 8:13PM PDT

I love going through the personals, but there are a few things that are getting on my nerves.

There are certain things that the vast majority of people put into their personals that are just plain stupid. Mostly I'm talking about the women, cuz I don't read the guys very often, unless I'm very bored. But let's go through some of these idiocies....


1. I like to have fun

This is the dumbest thing you can say in your personal. It's sort of like saying, "I see things with my eyes". The whole point of fun, is that you like it. There isn't a person on the face of the planet that will admit that they don't like to have fun. That's not exactly an amazing trait to be listing. In fact, when ever I read that I pretty much assume that the poster has the intelligence of your standard sorority barbie doll, plastic head and all.


2. I don't like guys who play games

I don't think that the men who do play games, would rarely acknowledge that they play games. Hell, most of them probably don't even realize they're doing it when they are. And maybe I just don't read the guys' personals enough, but I very much doubt you're going to find anyone that says, "I like to play games, and am looking to screw with someone's head". It's one of those crap-shoots that everyone has to ante into when you do the online dating thing. Sort of like when you go to meet someone who hasn't sent you a picture, and you're really hoping that half their head hasn't been taken over by a giant mole. You just never know until you meet the person.


3. No Bush Supporters Please

I'm no fan of Bush either, but some of my good friends voted for him. That doesn't make them inbred retards or horrible people. I can understand that personal politics can be a big issue for some people, but it's not for everyone. By playing the anti-bush card you immediately remove half of your possiblities, and then alienate even more who may not support Bush, but couldn't give a rats ass about politics, politicians, and the people who's lives revolve around pointing out the injustices of the powers that be. You might as well say "My ideal first date includes protesting and civil disobedience".


4. I'm looking for a good Christian who loves Jesus

Have you ever noticed Christians are the only people who make demands that their dates be of the same faith as they are? Seriously. Look around. You'll never find ads that say "Must be Athiest", "Buddhists Only Please", or "Looking for a nice Hindu fella". While this irks me in someway, it's also kinda nice. It plants a big billboard on your personal that screams "I'M A JESUS FREAK". Which to many of us reads as "WARNING: Poster has a loose grip on reality and a limited conversational repertoire. Proceed with great caution!"


5. I've got pictures on my website

No you don't. You have pictures of someone on your website, but it's not you because you're a guy! That's right. I can see through your ruse. You run a porn/model site and you're trying to generate hits. If you were a woman posting a personal, who had also created your own website with pictures of yourself on it, then you would know how to post your picture with your personal. You might fool most people, but you don't fool me!


6. I'm 18 and....

Okay stop right there. You're 18 and you're already resorting to personal ads? Jesus, give the dating scene a change to crush your hopes before automatically resorting to the personals. I don't care how grown up you think you are. If you're 18 you don't have enough life experience to butch and moan about how hard it is to find the right person. You haven't been trying hard enough. Besides, most of the men who respond to 18 year olds are gonna be 40+, and you don't want to go there.


7. I like to go out somtimes, but I also like to stay in

So you're telling me that sometimes you leave your apartment, and somtimes you don't. That's incredible because that's what EVERYONE ELSE DOES! The frequency varies from person to person, but everyone goes out sometimes, and stays home other times. Is this really worth making mention of? If you're a hermit that never goes out, that might be worth noting. If you're a wild drunken party animal that goes out every single night, that too may be worth mentioning. But making the above statment just tells me that you're trying really hard to sound normal, which leads me to believe that you're not.


8. BBW's without pictures.

Oh man...good luck. Seriously. If you consider yourself a Big Beautiful Woman, you'd better be able to back it up. I am of the belief that big women can be beautiful. But I, like most men, am not attracted to over weight people. I'm rather thin myself, and if you're 6 inches shorter than me, and 100lbs more than me, I'm probably not going to be feeling the sparks. Being big does not necessarily denote that you are beautiful as well. But if you are (or at least think you are) you might wanna post a picture to prove it to the world. Otherwise 99% of the guys are gonna skip right over your message in search of someone more appropriately proportioned.



When you start using acronyms in your personals, you've been doing the personals thing for too long. When I temped at an office, you could tell who'd been there forever because they had abbreviations for everything, that you only understood once you'd been there for a few years. I think the same thing applies to the personals. You don't want to be that person, and I sure as hell don't wanna date that person.


10. Hi! My name is Bethany and I'm 22. If you're interested write me.

What's there to be interested in? You're giving us nothing but your name and age. I can't say that I'm overly impressed. Maybe if you're posting this in the Casual Encounters with a picture of yourself in some frilly lingerie, then maybe you could get away with that. But if you're looking for a date to meet up with at a coffee shop, you're gonna have to put down a little more than your name and age. If I'm supposed to try and talk to you for an hour or two over a cup of joe, I would hope that you can say more than "Hi! I'm Bethany! I'm 22!". Because as it stands now, I'd be surprised if you could tell me the time off a digital watch.



If you're posting a personal ad, try and put a little thought into it. Read through it when you're done and see if it sounds like you, or if it sounds like everyone you've ever met. Make yourself sound unique and present qualities about yourself that most other people don't have. What makes you special? If you like to have fun, you're not special...you're short bus special.


I had stumbled across that one time. I couldn't help but to laugh.

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yeah you showed me that before.

i think it's the whole evangelical aspect of the religion that runs people away.

i don't think i could be happy being part of a religion that encouraged me to go out and shove ideas in people's heads.

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i've met a few genuinely religious people who don't push their beliefs on anyone and are truly interested in helping others, and i really respect those people as well, but around here, its very few compared to those who want to form an army.
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We don't have that. We have either people who don't care about religion, or people who are just helpful people that have beliefs B)

We have people that I will refer to as leechers. They will attach themselves to you and then proceed to suck the life out of you with their religious "holier than thou" personality, trying to convert you into a zombie like them before you are able to detach them from your soul.


You walk to another part of a store, they are there with you. You try to end the conversation, they manage to continue it. You try to get in your car to go, they somehow won't let go. You try to run them over, but your desire to not go to jail prevents you.

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We have people that I will refer to as leechers. They will attach themselves to you and then proceed to suck the life out of you with their religious "holier than thou" personality, trying to convert you into a zombie like them before you are able to detach them from your soul.


You walk to another part of a store, they are there with you. You try to end the conversation, they manage to continue it. You try to get in your car to go, they somehow won't let go. You try to run them over, but your desire to not go to jail prevents you.


Um, okay that's disturbing. B)

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Um, okay that's disturbing. B)


I once knew this girl (online) that all she would do is talk nonstop about how she has given herself to her Lord, is saving herself for marriage because she knows that she will marry the right guy because 'God' will not do her wrong, yadda yadda yadda. Constantly on and on, references to God and her not having sex and not even kissing, on and on, mostly about the sex thing, constantly.


I finally got pissed and told her that she's addicted to sex because it's the only thing she really ever talks about. She tried to deny it, but I think she knew I was right. I would try to talk about other things (yes, surprising for me) and she'd always take it right back to her religion and then back to how she's not going to have sex before marriage. "OK ALREADY! YOU'RE OBSESSED WITH SCREWING GOD! JESUS CHRIST ALREADY!"

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We get people in the streets who come up to you, ask for money and get you to shout guranga which means happy in some language.

I dont mind it, it's just the pre-asking-for-money talk that annoys me. I think they should get to the point instead of spoon feeding you bullplop.

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Steffi knows someone who told her friend jesus was coming to end the world in 6 days or something, it was back in June.

OMG, I knew I was forgetting something back in June!


Tell someone that I need to reschedule. Ask then how Dec 24th, 2010 sounds. I'm booked solid until then.

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Heh, I once had one of those people that go from door to door basically bugging the hell out of everyone by shoving their religion down your throat come to my house.It was a couple years ago,I was already in a bad mood;I don't remember why,but I walked to the door and he's like,"Do you ever wonder what's gonna happen when you die?" I responded with,"Yup!I'm goin' to hell.See ya dude." Flashed a nice smile and closed the door.The look on his face...priceless.There're some things money can't buy,for everything else,there's hell.Lol,nah,but if you really want them to go away,it works.
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after that first encounter, my friend said i should have told him i buried them in my back yard (when he asked if i wondered what happened to my loved ones when they died,) but i was too petrified at the moment to think of anything witty. he really looked like someone who was going to come in and rape me.
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