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Ok the first of many driving rants...

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Was driving somewhere to go eat, so while on the interstate, there was someone in the left lane (the unofficial 'fast lane'), driving just slow enough that they are a nuisance.. Someone came up behind me, merged to the middle lane and continued on. After they were gone, I moved to the middle lane, passed the slow poke, got back into the left lane and then looked into the rear-view mirror to see the slug moving to the middle lane. I'm thinking, "Ok you ass, why couldn't you do that EARLIER?!?"


Then when driving back, I witnessed pimp-mobile, driven by a woman (which I found odd), who was leaned forward while yakking away on her cell phone. This pimped car had these huge practically see-through tires that looked like they needed to be replaced once a month (how thin they are). It was high enough off the ground that someone could lay down on the road and the car could drive over them without having any contact with them. It was one of the biggest wastes of a vehicle I had ever witnessed.


Then back on the interstate, I saw this self-absorbed butthole that couldn't decide which lane he wanted to be in. I do believe I noticed a trend in his lane changing. When the lane next to him was clear and he didn't want to stay behind the person just a few feet ahead of him more than 2 seconds, he'd move over, without using a turn signal, and then speed up ahead. Needless to say, I kept an eye on that champion of defensive drivers.


Then today, after I went to an appointment at the hospital, I was driving home and someone tried to merge from the middle lane to the left lane (where I was). This was on a main road, and they were just a foot from the vehicle ahead of them, and no where near enough room to cut over in front of me. Made me wish I could have pushed a button to shut their vehicle off for 2 minutes, so that any time that they saved from their "awesome driving", the entire 12 seconds, would be lost.


It gets better. I was then at an intersection to make a left turn. Was waiting for the traffic to clear up on the other side so I could finish the turn. Someone on the other side was making a left turn as well, with a vehicle that came up behind them and was sitting there. Light starts changing and since there was no traffic behind me, the other person completed their turn. Ok light being yellow and changing to red, I was starting to go, that's when braniac cut towards the middle lane and zipped through the intersection. Had I not anticipated that move, there would have been an accident, which would have been their fault, since they should have stayed put since the light was already changing before they started moving again. The light was red before they finished crossing, so I hope that this young fellow with his tail on fire is thankful that I helped to prevent his insurance rates from skyrocketing at unbelievable speeds to match his impatience.


Oh well, that's my miniature rant for now. Have fun! B) (I have another to add, but I need to go do a few things.)

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its better reading this on here than listening to it on the phone =P


i almost got killed today by the worst driver i know. he never pays attention. he hit a car the first time he took his driving test and failed it another time before they gave him his license. then he flipped his car and gave his then girlfriend a concussion, but of course, according to him, it's always someone else's fault.


that really bad accident, for instance, occurred when he ran a stop sign. if you ask him what happened, he insists he doesn't remember running the stop sign, but because the other driver admitted he was speeding, it must be all his fault (it was a stop sign that t'd with non-stop traffic...)


today it was just him driving on the wrong side of the road.. on a blind corner..

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it really depends on where you're driving. i hate driving in cities. small towns are fine. so is being out in the country. the fewer the cars, the better. but of course, it doesn't really matter where you are if someone really terrible is on the road with you..
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it really depends on where you're driving. i hate driving in cities. small towns are fine. so is being out in the country. the fewer the cars, the better. but of course, it doesn't really matter where you are if someone really terrible is on the road with you..

There's another recent time I forgot to mention. I was at an intersection, on a side street, waiting to cross a main road that had a middle/median strip, with 2 lanes on each side. A lady from the other side was able to cross to the halfway point and was making a left turn. There were at least 2 or 3 times when she could have completed her left turn into the lane closest to her (proper driving), while I still had to wait for the lane closest to me to clear up. Then, once both lanes were clear, I started crossing over. At that same moment, she was deciding to try, then when she saw I was already moving, she gave me a look like, "What the hell? Are you on drugs or something?" This brain-dead woman didn't seem to realize a couple of key points of driving. (#1) she could have gone already, if she weren't on the drugs she's so quick to assume I'm on. (#2) She still had to yield the right of way (in this case to me), despite the fact that she was halfway into the intersection.


Here's the way I see it. If we had been at an intersection with a stop light, and then the light changed green for both of us, who would need to yield the right of way? Regardless of where in the intersection she is, she still has to yield right of way to oncoming traffic. The only time that I can think of when she wouldn't have to yield, aside from needing to clear out of the way of an emergency vehicle (still have to try to avoid causing an accident though), is if she's at an intersection with a light, pulled into the middle to make a left turn, and then the light changes. At which point, the oncoming traffic is stopping anyway, so she needs to complete her turn to avoid blocking the intersection for the new oncoming traffic.


I sort of wished she had tried to flag me down to indicate she wanted to say something, so she could try to claim I was wrong, just so I could tell her, "No, you still have to yield right away. Besides, if you're such a perfect driver, why didn't you pull into the lane closest to you those 2 (or 3) chances that you had?", then I could have rolled up the window and kept going, so she'd realize that she just got told. B)

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I sort of wished she had tried to flag me down to indicate she wanted to say something, so she could try to claim I was wrong, just so I could tell her, "No, you still have to yield right away. Besides, if you're such a perfect driver, why didn't you pull into the lane closest to you those 2 (or 3) chances that you had?", then I could have rolled up the window and kept going, so she'd realize that she just got told. B)

remind me to always let you drive. i don't ever want to listen to you tell me that i'm doing it wrong.

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  • 2 weeks later...
today i almost got rear ended BY A SEMI. apparently i wasn't going fast enough for him... but in a semi-residential area, when i was about to turn, i didn't find it necessary to go more than a couple miles over the speed limit, ESPECIALLY WHEN I WAS ABOUT TO TURN. anyway, i guess it's a good thing he was paying attention to his jerkiness, or i wouldn't be here right now.
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Then when driving back, I witnessed pimp-mobile, driven by a woman (which I found odd), who was leaned forward while yakking away on her cell phone. This pimped car had these huge practically see-through tires that looked like they needed to be replaced once a month (how thin they are). It was high enough off the ground that someone could lay down on the road and the car could drive over them without having any contact with them. It was one of the biggest wastes of a vehicle I had ever witnessed.


Omfg, that is hilarious...



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