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Lady Night Owl

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Everything posted by Lady Night Owl

  1. Er...I wouldn't say that. If I 'pick up' I'm usually not in the habit of feeding someone a line - I'm just myself. So, my answer will have to be False. The person underneath always pays their bills on time.
  2. *takes rat out of toaster oven before her fur singes, then fluffs her*
  3. Sorry for messing up the game flow everybody - but I have no association for this. ^ I'm assuming that's a 'censored' version of where you live and my knowledge of that is vague (which is fine) but perhaps you can post something else that you associate with home?
  4. "Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit!" --Benny Polycarp, The Darkwing Chronicles, Past Redemption by Savannah Russe
  5. Post quotes from movies/TV shows/books/songs - anything that you thought was amusing or interesting. Remember to name the source. They can be an entire sentence or just a piece. Limit 3 quotes per post. "worthless pile of bat droppings" --- Arabella Figg, Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix
  6. LOL *steals cheese with a pair of long tongs and pours Ipecac syrup on it...then fluffs the rat*
  7. *hopes Wolfie knows Airy (or whatever my name is today) is just busting his chops*
  8. I need to pick up my medicine, look for a job, some domestic chores and....play ToonTown, hehe.
  9. Pshaw! So where's my game Your Wolfluffiness? Ahaha, sorry. No, I'm not. Anyway... Had you been paying attention to my username for this forum (and my forum for that matter), you would have seen that I already Airyed something for you to use. I care not, do what thou wilt.
  10. LOL Yeah really. Sheesh. ETA: Sorry if I made it sound like you couldn't comprehend what I was biotching about.
  11. I don't have Tivo and I'm not likely to be doing laundry, etc. when I'm about to go to sleep. If I'm beat and ready for bed, chances are I've already done what needs doing and I'm not hungry/thirsty. This just happened to catch my eye the other night. Anywho...it's not really the commercials themselves, especially since I don't watch TV often enough to care about the show being interrupted by them - it's having the same exact one repeat twice in a row. Like the first one ends and the very same one comes on right after. I know that the same ones often come on in cycles like: TV SHOW - Cable Ad, Exercise Machine Ad, Car Ad, Hair Product TV SHOW - Meerkat Manor, Animal Charity (ROAR), etc, TV SHOW - Cable Ad, Exercise Machine Ad, Car Ad, Hair Product But... My complaint is (not that you all can't branch off and talk about commercials in general): TV SHOW - Cable Ad, Cable Ad(same company/script as the first), Meerkat Manor, Car Ad TV SHOW - Satellite, Satellite (same script), Exercise Machine Ad, ROAR, Hair Product TV SHOW - I think you get the picture True, if I felt inclined or needed to do something else, I probably would have never noticed.
  12. I don't blame you I never would have noticed though...
  13. I would imagine that I don't get it since I haven't known you for 4-5 years lol That game is the first I've heard of you being er fluffed. I must ask - have you always used fluffyrat as your 'handle' on forums? Is that just a nickname that stuck? Either way, I would recommend that you don't use fluffyrat because with all due respect, you're kind of asking for it. I was known by another 'handle' which was Airy or Airyness - for about 4-5 years (what a coinkidink!). In fact, if you go to the link in my siggy, you'll notice that I have a domain registered under that. Now, this might not be as annoying as being fluffed, but a few people have called me Your Airyness. Could have been worse I suppose. I don't care what sort of nicknames people make up for it though (or games for that matter), the name has meaning for me as I imagine that 'fluffyrat' has some of meaning for you. I dunno, maybe you should think of a new one
  14. Aww, come on, it's just a game. At least 'fluffing' doesn't hurt compared to being plucked!
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