I don't have Tivo and I'm not likely to be doing laundry, etc. when I'm about to go to sleep. If I'm beat and ready for bed, chances are I've already done what needs doing and I'm not hungry/thirsty. This just happened to catch my eye the other night. Anywho...it's not really the commercials themselves, especially since I don't watch TV often enough to care about the show being interrupted by them - it's having the same exact one repeat twice in a row. Like the first one ends and the very same one comes on right after. I know that the same ones often come on in cycles like: TV SHOW - Cable Ad, Exercise Machine Ad, Car Ad, Hair Product TV SHOW - Meerkat Manor, Animal Charity (ROAR), etc, TV SHOW - Cable Ad, Exercise Machine Ad, Car Ad, Hair Product But... My complaint is (not that you all can't branch off and talk about commercials in general): TV SHOW - Cable Ad, Cable Ad(same company/script as the first), Meerkat Manor, Car Ad TV SHOW - Satellite, Satellite (same script), Exercise Machine Ad, ROAR, Hair Product TV SHOW - I think you get the picture True, if I felt inclined or needed to do something else, I probably would have never noticed.