Hmm, not sure where this is supposed to go so I put it here. Well, at the start of the year I made a new best friend named Hannah, we were good friends and I thought she was great. She always covered for me when we were late for class and got us out of trouble a lot of times. In October she started becoming really demanding, I was going to go to my friend's Halloween party but she didn't like that and wanted me to go to her house to watch movies. My mum told me to go to the Halloween party so I told Hannah "no". She got in a huff and ignored me until December. When she wasn't my friend I made a new best friend, Lin. Lin was angry at me once and asked Hannah to be my friend again. So we were friends again.. But Lin had become my best friend. Now Hannah has been my friend on and off because she can't accept the fact that I have other friends. She constantly wants me to be hanging around with her when sometimes me and Lin want to go somewhere else. Then when we tell her we don't want to, she goes, "You're ditching me again" When she forgives me, she tells me that I could atleast tell her before ditching her, which I do. And now (Well, not now anymore because it's the summer holidays) Hannah and Lin always fight over me, getting at eachothers throats. I even said "pull me then" as a joke and they pulled me like mad. Then they tell me it's my choice but I know one will get angry if I go with the other. The message is: They can't take no for an answer. But I'm not friends with Hannah now, we had an argument on the last day so hopefully next year will be better.