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Freaking Teachers

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Is it such a crime to be shy? I'm like insanely shy; I don't talk in school unless I'm spoken to, usually. I don't raise my hand, I don't volunteer for anything, I like keeping to myself. And then you have these teachers that are like "Well if you're shy, that's too bad because you are going to have to get used to standing up in front of the class." Okay, I don't mind if it's for like a project or something, but to make me get out of my comfort zone and talk in front of the room for some stupid reason isn't cool. The kids who like to talk in front of people aren't feeling uncomfortable, so why should I have to? Why make some people feel like crap while the others don't? I juat get really nervous and start freaking out. It really bothers me when teachers force you do stuff like that when you don't want to.


Maybe I'm just messed up for being like this, but it just really annoys me. : o

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I know what you mean. I'm not shy or anything, I just like to keep myself to myself and get the damn class over with. My teachers don't really have a problem with that but they sometimes randomly ask me a question, and if i would be half asleep, then everyone would start giggling. Talk about awkward..
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Talk about awkward..
Awkward is bumping into a stranger at the airport, hitting it off great, renting into hotel rooms next to each other, getting it on (sex), then right after sex, while still nakkie in bed, finding out that you're both there to attend the same gathering because you're both directly related (bro/sis) and didn't know the other existed.


For the record, this didn't happen to me.



Like great, the teacher thinks I'm an idiot. x.x

Too easy.

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Is it such a crime to be shy? I'm like insanely shy; I don't talk in school unless I'm spoken to, usually. I don't raise my hand, I don't volunteer for anything, I like keeping to myself. And then you have these teachers that are like "Well if you're shy, that's too bad because you are going to have to get used to standing up in front of the class." Okay, I don't mind if it's for like a project or something, but to make me get out of my comfort zone and talk in front of the room for some stupid reason isn't cool. The kids who like to talk in front of people aren't feeling uncomfortable, so why should I have to? Why make some people feel like crap while the others don't? I juat get really nervous and start freaking out. It really bothers me when teachers force you do stuff like that when you don't want to.


Maybe I'm just messed up for being like this, but it just really annoys me. : o

i'm more than shy.

i always told people that i was shy growing up and stuff, but it's really anxiety, and it's a lot worse than just being shy because being in situations that make me uncomfortable can lead to panic attacks.

the problem is, shy or anxiety, you're still going to have to answer things in class.

i know it's gotten easier for me, mainly because i went to a small college, and it's easier for me to talk to smaller groups of people, so a smaller class size is good, but i know i still think out everything in my head before i raise my hand, and if i'm called on without my hand up, i definitely go into panic mode.

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Awkward is bumping into a stranger at the airport, hitting it off great, renting into hotel rooms next to each other, getting it on (sex), then right after sex, while still nakkie in bed, finding out that you're both there to attend the same gathering because you're both directly related (bro/sis) and didn't know the other existed.


Why do you always gotta bring sex into everything.

i'm more than shy.

i always told people that i was shy growing up and stuff, but it's really anxiety, and it's a lot worse than just being shy because being in situations that make me uncomfortable can lead to panic attacks.

the problem is, shy or anxiety, you're still going to have to answer things in class.

i know it's gotten easier for me, mainly because i went to a small college, and it's easier for me to talk to smaller groups of people, so a smaller class size is good, but i know i still think out everything in my head before i raise my hand, and if i'm called on without my hand up, i definitely go into panic mode.

I have anxiety too but I kind of learned to control it so I don't get those panic attacks as often...


Yeah, I know I'll have to answer in class it's just those times when they make you go to the front of the room and talk. And for the last two days we have had to do these stupid "getting to know you" things. It's just to waste time and to make me do uneccessary talking. Because I don't want to know them and I don't care about them, so why make me get to know them?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Most teachers want you to get involved for the most part y'all do not know what it is like to be a teacher and all the crap you have to deal with from the county etc....


As for college eh for the most part most of my prof. usually leave me alone ya sit, listen. take notes etc....

I love college life. B)

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