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They steal my husband every 2 months!


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What really upsets me is my husband's job. He's in the coast guard and I know it's an important job and I support him and all, but I REALLY hate that he's on a cutter. He has to leave for 2 months EVERY 2 months. He even had to leave right after the baby was born! It was HORRIBLE! I also hate being home alone. It's so creepy. The whole house to myself and I can here the neighbors in an out. (I neve stayed alone much, can you tell?) Also, I'm a bit of a pansy. I know I live in a good are, but it's still Portsmouth. It just gets to me.
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Was he Coast Guard when you married him? You must've known what you were getting in to..


*Salutes the Guardians*

OMG if ONE more person tells me that I'll scream. Have you ever met anyone who said, "Oh, that guy's cute and has a nice stable job I think I'll fall in love with him?" No. That's b/c we don't CHOOSE who we fall in love with. I wasn't going to not marry my soul mate just because of his job, that'd be dumb. Anyway, yes, I DID know he was in the coast guard and that he was being transferred to a cutter that summer but that certainly doesn't make it any easier. Somehow the baby does though. Its distracting having someone to take care of. Anyway, there's only a year and a half yet and then he NEVER sees another boat again. WOOHOO!

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OMG if ONE more person tells me that I'll scream. Have you ever met anyone who said, "Oh, that guy's cute and has a nice stable job I think I'll fall in love with him?" No. That's b/c we don't CHOOSE who we fall in love with. I wasn't going to not marry my soul mate just because of his job, that'd be dumb. Anyway, yes, I DID know he was in the coast guard and that he was being transferred to a cutter that summer but that certainly doesn't make it any easier. Somehow the baby does though. Its distracting having someone to take care of. Anyway, there's only a year and a half yet and then he NEVER sees another boat again. WOOHOO!
Well, what would you like me to reply, then, since what I said just angers you? No we don't choose who we fall in love with. But you apprently have issue with his job (a VERY important job at that) and if he's like all the guardians I've ever met, that job is a big part of who he is. I just hope the things you say here don't get said to him. I'm sure his two months out is no picnic for him either. Just be glad technology is better than it was 10 years ago and you can still communicate with him on a regular basis. It used to be much worse.
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It didn't anger me and I didn't mean for it to come off like that. He knows how I feel. We have a VERY open relationship. He always used to love his job until he got transferred to a cutter, now it's terrible. I think everyday a conversation arises involving his not wanting to re-enlist. I do support him and want him to work out the rest of his career. He's nearly halfway there. (He has 13 years left.) He knows that I have a difficult time when they leave and that I absolutely hate it, but he also knows that I'm very proud of him. He's doing something that very few people can do. I know the bright side is that there are only 6 patrols left before he gets off the boat and never has to go back to another cutter again. I was mostly just venting. This last patrol was very difficult because I got left home with a newborn. I don't resent him, I know it's not his fault and he knows it as well. We were both angry at the command as if the baby HADN'T come prematurely they were going to allow him to leave the patrol for a month, but after the baby came early, and had health problems and I was recovering from surgery, they didn't give him ANY time off. It would occurr to me that his presence would be less necessary had the child been full term, but then again, "We mustn't set a soft precident." Oh well, he's home now and he'll be home for the holidays. I lose him in October but I'll deal.
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