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You made a reference to a cat being let out of the bag, so for humor, I meowed. B)


Yeah but your meow implied that you were the one who blew my cover.

You assumed it. Not my fault you took it that way.




Lets make an under 18s group xD
We could, but, Wolfie would most likely use his "admin powers" to come and snoop on the group.

By the settings, I automatically have the ability to see any and all groups. So it's not snooping, it's direct access. I have it set up that way for staff as well. Don't remember if I set it up to be certain staff or all, but that's not important.

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It's not snooping if you know that #1 it's automatically enabled for me, #2 I'm gonna do it regardless of what you say/think and #3 it's in the TOS/disclaimers that you agreed to when you signed up.




Now, leading you to believe that I can't or won't do it, then doing it anyway, is a form of snooping when there is some form of privacy involved.

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